Spa At Home: These Aromatherapy Scents You Need to Own

Ever been curious as to what different scents are supposed to mean and what they might actually be good for? These aromatherapy scents you need to own in order to get that spa at home feeling.

Whether you want an aphrodisiac to enchant a lover or a calming scent to fill your home after a long day, it’s all possible with essential oil blends. Some oils have proven therapeutic properties whereas others simply work because you like them. If you think something smells great, you will likely feel happier, whether that’s because of a compound in the oil or not.

Scents are also strongly linked to memories. The scent alone of strawberries won’t make you feel calm, but if that’s the scent that used to fill a place where you felt comfortable, chances are that it will have just that effect on you. You can use this to your advantage by creating your own memories around certain smells.

Spa beautiful woman

If your partner loves massages and you use the same oil in your aromatherapy diffuser every time you give them a massage (or blend essential oils into the massage oil carrier), you can use that oil at another time and place to make them remember the feeling of relaxation/sensuality the massages brought.

Aromatherapy can also be used to create rituals for yourself, like coming home, turning off all electronic devices and meditating or relaxing to some nice music for twenty minutes after you come home. If you use a specific aromatherapy scent for this, the scent will eventually trigger the same emotions you feel when relaxing after work every day.

Read down below which aromatherapy scents you need to own.


lavender bath salt and massage oil

Essential oil of lavender is often used to help people relax and fall asleep. It’s been used for anti-anxiety and depression, as well as a way of relieving tension headaches. When ingested or used topically (in a massage oil for example), lavender and lavender extract can also help with a plethora of other ailments.

Various studies have been done around lavender oil, but many are still inconclusive. However, it’s been used for centuries for its relaxing effects. If you’ve ever been to Provence in the south of France, you know that you can buy lavender bags that you can put underneath your pillow.


vanilla aromatherapy oil

Vanilla has a sweet smell that many people adore. I adore it and tend to use vanilla essential oil as my perfume. Maybe that’s why some men like me? According to Alan Hirsch of Chicago’s Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, when 30 different scents were tested, vanilla tended to increase penile blood flow in a large percentage of men.

Lavender was another scent men liked while women reacted to cucumber. So, maybe not all aphrodisiac stories are myths after all? Or, maybe some men just have strong memories associated with vanilla.

There were a lot of other smells men found attractive, including cinnamon buns, oriental spice, pumpkin pie, cola, licorice and doughnuts—sometimes combined in various ways. The study concluded that a lot of smells can be attractive to a variety of different men—possibly any smell that smells good to someone is an aphrodisiac?

The best perfume is always your own personal scent though, so don’t hide that behind too strong perfumes. You will actually raise men’s testosterone levels even higher when you are ovulating as it seems they can smell it and unconsciously react to it. That much for us humans not being animalistic…

Lemon Balm

lemon balm aromatherapy oil

Lemon balm has been proven to have a plethora of medical uses, including boosting memory and helping to reduce stress. It’s also been tested on patients with Alzheimer’s with positive results.

Whether or not the scent of lemon balm alone can affect your mood is another thing entirely, but if you, like me, love lemon balm, chances are that it will. For more medicinal benefits, you can sip it in teas, which also smell lovely. This is all covered in my article about herbal remedies.


cinnamon aromatherapy oil

In fall and winter, cinnamon, especially when combined with orange, can make your house smell wonderful. Not that cinnamon is reserved for the colder months of the year, but it is a warm and spicy scent that brings warmth.

Since many people associate it with that, it usually brings back memories of Christmas or Thanksgiving cheer. This explains why people go crazy for the Starbucks pumpkin pie lattes every year as they associate it with good memories.

As research also suggests, the smell of cinnamon buns is attractive to many men. You might consider mixing it with some sweet vanilla to see what happens.

Wake Me Up

lemon aromatherapy oil

If you want something refreshing to wake you up, why not try combining lemon, lime and grapefruit? Citrus fruits tend to be associated with freshness and morning.

While some oils have medicinal properties, one of the most important things is to find oils you like as scents you love will lift your mood. You can play around with combining your own mixtures, but there are also plenty ready-to-use mixtures out there.

About the author

Maria Montgomery

Writer. Social Entrepreneur. Foster mommy (twins). Change maker. Foodie. Health freak. Nature lover. Creative nutcase. Blogger (Confessions of a Dizzy Blonde). A friend of mine once described me by saying “One minute she’s like the Dalai Lama, the next a dizzy blonde” and maybe that does sum me up…

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