5 Fun Door Decorations for Dorms

Now that you’ve decorated your dorm room to fit your needs, it is time to decorate your dorm room door. Most students, especially girls, use all their creativity to make a door decoration that will leave an impression on the other students. Some college dorms even organise a competition for the best decorated dorm door, so here are 5 fun dorm door decoration ideas to make you one of the best competitors.

1. Name Tags

For practical reasons, most of the college dorm room doors have a name tags pasted on them. But why don’t you put a little effort and instead of boring pasted letters make your own personalised name tag? Draw your favourite cartoon character on a sheet of paper, for instance, and write down your name over it. Your roommate can do the same.

2. Photo of You and Your Roommate

Make the doors funny with interesting photos, for example the one when you were a baby (surely your mother have some cute ones), the one from a Halloween masquerade or some of you and your roommate together. You can dress up and take the photos then; positive reactions are guaranteed.

3. A Bulletin or a Whiteboard

Cork message board with various paper notes

If you hang a bulletin board you can use it to bullet photos, postcards, etc. And a white board can have an even bigger purpose. Be creative when writing or drawing on it. You can write down your favourite literature quote and change it weakly.

Use the colour marker to draw sun and flowers if you are happy, or clouds and rain if you are sad. To warn your friends, if you are mad draw a dog and write something like;” Be careful, it bites.” They will stay out of your way.

4. Postcards Murals

A fun way to decorate your dorm door is by pasting or bulletin a lot of postcards. You can use the ones you’ve got from friends (if you know someone who still sends them) or buy some with funny sings or photos of exotic places you would like to visit.

5. Posters

Movie posters, art pictures and so on are a nice way to personalise your dorm door. Your poster choice speaks about your interest and affinities and it can also say something about your current mood. If you are e.g. a fan of Gustav Klimt, place a poster of e.g. “Goddess” and miniatures of the same movie around it to get beautiful mosaic. You don’t have to spend money on miniatures, resize the online ones and print them out.

A dorm door decoration should be fun. Play with colours, change the door decoration theme at the beginning of the school year and show your creative side.

About the author


I am a devoted hedonist who enjoys nice things – food, wine, fine arts, spending time with friends and family. Teaching mandarin Chinese is my life vocation, but my dream is to open a small restaurant and a patisserie. My life's motto: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

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