10 Non-Sexual Things That Can Please You Better Than Sex

Sex is great, but there are always going to be things that are slightly better than that. Here are some non-sexual things that are much better than sex.

People always make the joke that food is better than sex. In my opinion, they are definitely not wrong. There are so many things that give me so much more pleasure than sex usually does.

Look at any satisfying video on social media, and there are a million things right there that are better than some dudes in bed.

Aside from that, there are so many things that you can do during the day that don’t take as much time as sex does but can bring just the same amount of satisfaction.

Here are some more things that are definitely better than sex.

1. Head rubs

happy young woman with hairdresser washing head at hair salon

You know exactly what I’m talking about. When you’re lying with someone in bed and he just puts his hand in your hair and starts giving you a little massage.

It doesn’t matter what kind of awful day you’ve had or what’s happened in the past month. These mini massages are a gift to this world. There is absolutely nothing sex can bring to you that is going to be better than this.

2. A good back-crack

There are only a few people who really know how to pick me up and crack my back in a way that makes me feel like I’ve just seen God.

If you’re really stiff and you need something to relieve you, try this. I can guarantee you that this is going to come in as a close second to an orgasm.

The same thing with finding that perfect chair that you can twist around in and hear every single vertebra in your back crack. Ugh, so good.

3. Getting under fuzzy sheets after shaving

Woman sleeping in bed 5

Every girl who shaves her legs knows the feeling I’m talking about. After you’ve spent (way too much) time shaving, exfoliating, and moisturizing, getting into bed is heaven itself.

It’s the epitome of comfort and you just can’t be upset when you’re cuddled up with your favorite blanket and feeling like a queen with your smooth legs.

4. Getting everything done on your list

There is nothing better than that sigh of relief when you finish every little thing on that list you know you still have to complete.

Especially when it’s a super long list that you’ve been putting all of your time and energy into. That feeling you get when you have finally finished everything and no longer need to stress about it is such an amazing feeling.

5. Hearing a new song that you love

Woman listening music in headphones on carpet in room

Trying to figure out what that amazing song was on the radio or at the club is such an anxious feeling, but once you finally figure out what that song was, there’s also such a feeling of relief.

You can now jam out to that song and don’t have to worry about finding it or wondering when’s the next time you’ll get to hear your song.

6. Having someone you love visit unexpectedly

When you’re at work and hating your life for however long the amount of time is, there is nothing better than seeing one of your friends or loved one walk through the door.

It’s such a good feeling to be surprised (hopefully with presents like food) by someone and get a little distraction from whatever you have to do that day.

Even if you’re not at work and someone surprises you, it’s a great feeling since it makes you feel like someone really wants to see you and be with you.

7. Wine after a long day

woman drinking wine

I don’t care who you are and what you think you know, having wine at the end of any day is the best way to spend the night.

Just being able to sit back and do whatever it is you like to do, whether it be watch tv, spend time with friends, or with a good book. Add wine to it and it’s an amazing night no matter what. Wine makes everything better. Everything.

8. Having a movie day

When it’s storming outside and miserable, it’s the best time to get under those fuzzy blankets and watch a good movie. Storms are the best excuses to sit around and do absolutely nothing without having to feel bad about it later.

What else were you supposed to do? It’s not like it was nice out and you could be productive. You practically deserved this chance to be lazy. Extra points if you’re with your boyfriend. But this about nonsexual things, so movie it is.

9. Unwanted plans getting canceled

Happy woman lying bed surrounded by her clothes

There is nothing worse than having to go somewhere that you would rather do ANYTHING than go. So, on those off-chances that those plans get canceled, you get to actually do something you want to do and not have to waste your time. So many of these have sighs of relief, but that relief is SO GOOD. It has to be mentioned more than just one time.

10. Cuddling with your boyfriend

Okay, I know this isn’t supposed to be about anything sexual, but this doesn’t always have to be sexual! I’m talking about that feeling you get when all you wanted that day was to lie down in bed and be with your favorite person in his arms.

Sleeping next to someone you love is the best feeling because of how secure you didn’t even know you could feel. Cheesy, yes. But it’s cute, and I like it.

Sex is not the most important thing in the word. It is a very fun thing to do, yes. But as we have seen in this article, there are a ton of things that can be just as good as, or even better than, sex.

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About the author

Myranda Siegert

Hey, I'm Myranda. I'm an absolute hopeless romantic. I've always loved writing about subjects that will hit close to home, and make people really think more deeply about themselves. I show myself through my writing, as well as my photography.

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