Become a Blowjob Queen: 61 Tips on How to Give a Great Blowjob

Learn how to give your guy the best blow jobs of his life. It’s not rocket science. If you are sick of all those nicely put, clean Cosmo sex articles – on how to give a great blowjob, read these 61 refreshing, no-nonsense tips, written by a guy, and make him think you are the Queen of Blowjobs.

Do not read this article if you are not interested in getting RESULTS when it comes to giving blow jobs.

This article is NOT about morality. It does not question whether blow jobs are “good” or “bad,” whether women “should” or “should not” give blowjobs or whether giving them is degrading to women or not. That is not the topic of this article. Its only purpose is to help women that are looking for advice that WORKS. It is designed for women who wish to please their man to the max and make him happy beyond measure in bed. It is an all inclusive guide on how to give a great blowjob. The best. Ever.

If you believe that blow jobs are “degrading,” and “just for sl*ts” then please stop reading now. If adult language and straightforward tips easily offend you and if you have a problem with hearing the truth about blow jobs, then please stop reading now – this article is not for you.

The 61 blowjob tips you will find below are something that the majority of men want in a blow job.

How to Give a Great Blowjob? Let’s start with 4 quick “blowjob facts”

Fact #1: Men love blowjobs.

Become a Blowjob Queen

It’s a fact. 99% of men would never say “no” to a blowjob. Except if you have a reputation of using too much teeth.

Fact #2: Most women give bad or no-blowjobs.

The reality is simple: most women are horrible at giving head.

That’s part of the reason why many women simply don’t give BJs; they’re afraid of “messing up” so they just evade doing it. This is counter-productive, since most of the time… any blow job is better than no blow job.

Even if you are terrible at giving head, at least you are trying to improve, and that’s better than hiding from your fear of failure.

Often, a woman’s lack of skills is her own fault, and stems from her lack of initiative to improve. Then again, most men aren’t that good at clearly communicating what they want in a blow job. But let’s not play the blame game here.

Fact #3: Men that receive bad, or no blow jobs at all, cheat more often and are less satisfied with their relationship than guys that get head regularly.

There’s nothing to prove here. If a man doesn’t get the pleasure he desires and believes he deserves, especially if his ex-girlfriend got him used to receiving it, he will expect to get it in the future as well.

Don’t blame him. Blame his ex girlfriend. She messed things up for you.

Seriously, wake up, get real, and stop living in an illusion.: Men cheat because of lack of sexual satisfaction. This is the cold, hard truth and something you have to swallow (pun intended) and accept as an unchangeable part of his biological and sexual needs.

Men compare you to their past relationships and judge you based on their prior experiences. You can be the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world, but if his ex was better in bed (even if she looked like Susan Boyle), you’re in a serious problem – no matter how nice your personality is.

If  you don’t know how to give him a great blowjob, or if you don’t give your guy blow jobs at all, he might be wondering what’s he missing out on (a lot), and whether he could get his satisfaction elsewhere. (Hint: he can)

I don’t care if you’re offended or think I’m a sexist pig (read the disclaimer above), every guy on Earth thinks the same – they just don’t say it. If you want reality, read on, and if you want to keep living in a fairy tale – go back to Cosmo.

Fact #4: Researchers at Oxford University have recently proven that women who give a great blow jobs can live up to 9.5 years longer than women that give terrible blow jobs or don’t give them what so ever!

Obviously, I just made that up.

But  even though she may not live any longer, a woman that knows how to give a  blowjob definitely:

  • Has a higher chance of enjoying a life of lust, passion, love and understanding with the man she loves.
  • Gets more orgasms: because her man is more than willing to reciprocate
  • Can easily persuade her guy to comply with more or less any desire she has, from helping with the kids, housework to bungee jumping and buying that ridiculously overpriced Persian carpet he’d normally never even consider. (More blow jobs, more leverage!)
  • Doesn’t have to worry about getting dumped or cheated on
  • Has a bigger and higher quality pool of men to choose from
  • Is more confident in her ability to satisfy her man and is therefore happier with her life and more comfortable in her own skin
  • Dates men “out of her league”
  • Has a more committed and loving boyfriend or husband
  • And much, much more…

Indirectly, this may actually lead to a more fulfilling and even longer life. “In the end,” as Abraham Lincoln wisely put it “it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

As you can see, from any guy’s perspective, amazing blow jobs are… priceless.

I believe that the above-mentioned benefits are a good enough reason to give your guy more and better blow jobs.

So, because your guy really, really wants you to master the art of fellatio, and so you can enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits – I put together these 61 super-awesome blowjob tips for you, so that you too can create miracles with your mouth… and mop the floor with his ex-girlfriends.

1. How About a Blow Job?

 How to Give a Great Blowjob

The right words are often more powerful than the best blow job techniques. A man’s orgasm happens in his mind; saying what he doesn’t even know he desires to hear can trigger an instant orgasm. That’s why blowjob dirty talk is so important. Ask him “How about a blow job?” and see the instant smile on his face.

Most women are quiet and make an “I’m-working-on-an-important-assignment” face, without saying a single word.

Why so serious? Relax… have fun with it. Nobody expects you to talk while having a penis in your mouth, stop for a second, take a breath… smile… give him a compliment, tell him you’re enjoying yourself, ask him for feedback, or tell him what you want him to do.

The “rule” for blowjob dirty talk is: whatever you say, say it with complete belief.

If you are afraid that what you say will sound too fake or awkward: it will.

Believe in what you say and say it fearlessly, and anything you say will sound great. There’s nothing clean about a blowjob, so don’t try to be classy about it once you are already on your knees.

Never forget that how you say it is more important than what you say. You don’t need “dirty talking lines,” you need playfulness and the confidence to let go of your fear of being looked down upon for talking dirty. He wants you to be slutty, so give yourself permission to cross the line.

Also, know that saying anything is usually better than saying nothing at all. You don’t want him to feel as if you are in your head, thinking, worrying, and giving him the “this-is-rocket-science” serious face. So speak up!

2. Moan (louder)

If you’re not sure what line to throw at him, then at least moan. Then moan some more, and some more.

Moaning creates pleasurable vibrations that make your blow job better in more than one way. Moaning is perfect as a substitute for talking dirty, if you’re still shy about it.

Moaning a lot communicates an important message: I’m… mmm… enjoying myself. And that… is the core of a great blow job.

Don’t expect him to enjoy receiving it if you don’t enjoy giving it.

Conclusion? How to give a  blowjob? Start with moaning.

3. It may be called a blow job, but it’s not a job, if you think it is – that’s why you suck at it

Viewing a blow job as a JOB is the main reason why most women are horrible at blowjobs. Don’t be one of those nasty women.

View blow jobs as a source of ultimate-pleasure for yourself, and that’s exactly what it will become for you.

Of course, you need to find the right guy for this, naturally, for some men it’s simply not worth your “effort,” but for a guy you truly love, it’s only natural that you enjoy pleasuring him in any way he desires.

Find a guy like that. (Then keep him by giving great blow jobs!) You deserve it. Or maybe not, yet. As long as you view blowjobs as a “job” you’ll have a hard time finding Mr. Right, okay – you may find him, but keeping him? That’s a whole other field.

Stop viewing blow jobs with a “what’s in it for me?” way of thinking. Or as a “gift” you are giving him.

Women that know how to give a  blowjob are so good at it because they not only love it, but they also view it as a source of pleasure for them.

They are thankful for the opportunity to get pleasure from it.

4. Look Into His Soul…

Don’t be shy. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Let him see the passion in your eyes. Your eyes can almost smile up at him.

Let him see pure joy in your eyes. Smile with your eyes. Wink at him when you’ve got him deep.

Don’t worry, you look great from up there. By looking up at him you communicate; you see his reactions to your ‘moves’ and you can adjust your performance. The most important moment for eye contact is the moment he is having an orgasm. That’s when he falls in love.

5. How to Give a Great Blowjob (even the best blowjob in your life)?

Choose a Good Position

When giving a blowjob you have total power over him. Either he gets complete pleasure or complete pain in case you bite off his manhood.

So even tough you have power, still, a blowjob is a submissive act where you submit to your man’s power. In a way it is your attempt to tame him, a moment where you have his full attention.

Your submission to him is something you should exaggerate because that’s part of the turn on behind a blow job.

Because men are visual… be in a position where he has a nice view of you, and a position where he appears more dominant.

Choose a position in which you are more submissive, down, on your knees, for example, looking up at him from below. When thinking about good position look for good comfort and a good view, in the sense that you are comfortable so that you don’t lose focus and so that he has the feeling of power over you because of your complete submission to him.

6. Change Your Attitude: just “enjoying it” is not enough

Attitude is everything. The right attitude means that you give a blow job for your own pleasure, not his, and that you don’t just “enjoy doing it,” as some magazines will tell you, but that you can not live without having his penis in your mouth.

Or, as Hank Moody put it in Californication, when talking about his girlfriend ”It was as if she were dying of thirst and my c*ck were the fountain of everlasting youth.” Have an attitude like that and you will never have to worry about your blow job technique again.

7. It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Become a Blowjob Queen

Hurrying during a blow job and racing to the finish line won’t make that blow job great.

On the contrary, it will only give an impression that you just want to get it over with and continue with your no-blowjobs policy life. Never make an impression like that because it kills all your previous effort.

Take things slow. Focus on the journey. Enjoy every second of it and forget about the destination.

There IS NO DESTINATION. You don’t want to get anywhere.

There is a practical time and place to speed up a blow job and it’s not now.

Don’t worry about weather too much time has passed since you started. Don’t put time-constraints on your blowjobs. Let it last as long as it lasts.

You are not in a rush. If you get tired too fast that’s because you aren’t using all of your assets.

8. Turn Off Your Mind You Must…

Logic kills emotions.

The two cannot work together, and, in a blow job, there simply is no space for logic.

Emotions, feelings, passion… those should be your guidelines for a great blow job.

Any logical thinking can only “kill” the pleasure and take away your focus.

When you think you are not present, and when you are not present – you are not in the moment – enjoying it – but rather worried about something. “Why didn’t he come yet?” “Am I doing it right?”

You make eye contact, so he will see that your mind is racing away, and once he sees that you are in your mind, worried about something – it’s over. You’ve killed it. Now he’s thinking about what you are thinking, and he can’t relax and enjoy the pleasure you are giving him.

Don’t think. Turn off any logical thinking during a blow job and you’ll instantly see positive effects.

9. Love It So Much That He’s Scared for Your Sanity

By loving his c@#k. Love it beyond normal love. Love it more than your best friends, family, your dog, air, water. Love it more than your favorite food after months of starvation.

You need to be hungry. Literally starve for it, need it, like a drug addict needs his or her drug, that’s the way you must need and desire his penis. Without love for his “little friend” or “big fella” you will never give the kind of blowjob every man dreams of.

Believe me, this “addiction” is the best thing you can do for your relationship.

10. Leave No Solider Behind

Amiga, I’m talking about his cojones.

So many women forget about this.

Dare to be different!

There is more to his penis than… his penis. All around that area is sensitive and you have to use all of it to create a “full-package” blow job.

There’s so much you can do with his testicles. Tickle, kiss, gently suck, massage, the list goes on. Just make sure you are gentle and considerate because one wrong move can lead to supreme pain.

11. Use Your Hands (Correctly)

If you think that your mouth is the only “tool” you can use for a great blow job then you are very, very wrong. Imagine you are going to war with a knife while you have a full arsenal of weapons like bazookas, AK-47s and grenades in your trunk. What a waste.

Your hands are the basis of a great blow job. Use oil, lots of it actually, for foreplay purposes. Learn to give hand jobs by taking your time to practice on him.

Give him a hand job and take your time, let him teach you how to satisfy him, where to have a tighter grip and how. Make sure you oil it up!

You can only learn performing the best blowjob by practicing, and again, not being in a hurry. Be playful with it. Have fun and take your time. Every man will appreciate your efforts of improving yourself and the best you can do is to be open about it.

12. Believe in Yourself (even if you have to fake it)

Look, nobody expects you to be super-confident about something you are not yet good at.
People are confident about something they are good at, and the only way you can get good is by practicing. The better you get the more confidant you will become and the better your blow jobs will be… until then: fake it.

You know, fake it till you make it.

The worst thing you can do is to be indecisive about your moves, because indecisiveness brings you back into your HEAD. And we don’t want that (Tip #8 Don’t’ Think).

So… until you naturally get confident about your blowjobs by practicing, simply fake your confidence. Wait. Scratch that. You can practice as long as you want, but if you practice the WRONG stuff, you’re just waiting your time (and his patience).

Convincing yourself that what you are doing is the right thing and even though you may be wrong, still, you’ll be sure of your moves and that by itself is a good thing. But you need to back up your confidence with serious blowjob skills (so keep on reading) and avoiding typical mistakes… just a few right moves (and avoiding bad one’s) already puts you way ahead of your competition (his ex girlfriends). If you’re still worried and seriously lack blowjob confidence, I urge you to study the classic manifesto: Jack’s Blowjob Lessons, that alone will super-charge your confidence — quickly.

13. Don’t Bite (too hard)

This is a tip you already know, obviously, nobody wants his penis chopped off by some razor sharp teeth.

But don’t think that teeth can ONLY produce pain, actually, biting his penis can be erotic, but also a bit scary. So, it can also excite him, if you do it playfully.

Just don’t try this if you’re a beginner.

14. Learn from the Masters, Young Padawan

There is a reason porn is a multi-billion dollar industry.

They know what sells. And there’s a reason why it sells, because that’s what the “market” of men are looking for. That’s what makes them hard.

So, if you really want to learn how to give a great blowjob, start watching porn and see how and what the pros are doing.

Copy what you like.

15. Smile, Mona Lisa

Again, it’s not about techniques, but about what you communicate to your guy during a blow job.

Of course, you can’t smile while having him in your mouth, but what you can do is stop for a second, take a breath, say something kinky, then smile… the point is that you communicate a simple message “I like what I’m doing” … you are there because you want to be there, not because you’re just doing him a favor and “he should be thankful he got any.”

A negative, bitchy attitude like that won’t get you far. Communicate the right message and the orgasm will start in his mind, not his penis.

16. “Practice, baby, practice!”

I’ve read somewhere (I think Malcolm Gladwell first mentioned it in his book Outliers) that you need about 10 000 hours of doing something to master it, any skill.

I doubt that you need 10 000 hours of blow jobs to become great at them.

With the right information, you can progress quickly. Unlearning what you are doing wrong is a longer process than learning from scratch.

What’s important is that you understand that nobody expects you to born with awesome blow jobs skills. It takes time and practice.

You know the story when a tourist asked a street musician “Excuse me, do you know how do I get to Carnegie Hall?” … “Practice, baby, practice!”

It’s natural to be a beginner at anything and it takes time, practice and dedication to get good at it.

Find a guy that you truly like so you are naturally motivated to make him happy and practicing on him will be fun.

Don’t be afraid of failure or doing things wrong, every sane guy will appreciate your efforts of improving and “practicing on him” ;) Just view it as a challenge.

Be patient and you will learn to s*ck him like no one befor

17. Look Better (don’t be lazy)

Yeah, I’m shallow. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re overweight.

Sure, you can look like a supermodel, but if your blow job skills are bad, you won’t get far. But still, men are visual.

The better you look the more attractive you are to him and this simply adds to the physical and psychological pleasure you are giving him. View it as an extra. All else being equal (sex skills, personality, compatibility etc.) how hot (or not) you are is what makes the final difference.

And let’s be real here… there are no ugly people. Just lazy or poor. Today, anyone can look good. Unless you’re born with a third arm or something.

Really, it’s not a science. Don’t eat crap, exercise (squats!) and make more moolah. And bam! You’re smoking hot.

Other than that… sex up your style.

Discover his fetish. Nice bras, corsets, fishnets, G-strings, high-heels, or spandex he can rip apart – also, whatever makes you feel sexier.

This is a rule: You can’t be sexy for him if you don’t feel sexy about yourself. So don’t work on your looks because of him, do it for yourself.

18. Tease to Please

Tease, but don’t overtease.

Be playful. Take your time and give him longer and slower licks and kisses. The point is that you have fun all the time during a blow job.

Don’t jump into action right away, it’s should be a fun game, not a race to get a “job” done.

Add playfulness to your blow jobs and cut out the dull, scientific-like seriousness by teasing him, giggling, taking your time and helping him mentally relax and get into the mood.

Put some temptation into the game before you jump into the real stuff. Bite his shaft for fun to tease him (as if you’ll bite it off) and see how he’ll get rock hard in an instant.

19. Play Games

Have fun and play some games… Role-play isn’t just for sex, you can do it for blowjobs too.

Bring some props, pour chocolate sauce all over him, lick it off of him. Keep it fresh.

Don’t forget that too much of a good thing can become a bad thing after some time simply because it’s not scarce anymore.

This doesn’t imply that you should give him a blow job once a year. Hell no. But also not every hour. Find a balance and stay playful and creative about your blowjobs.

Know when it’s not the right moment for a blow job and when it is.

20. Surprise!

There’s no point in having everything planned out, there’s nothing exciting happening then that you didn’t expect.

Surprise him from time to time with an “out of a sudden” blow job when he least expects it. It shows you care. Never wait for him to ask for a blow job, that’s just lame. Take initiative. This alone will already set you apart from other women.

Remember, you don’t have to give the best blow jobs in the world, just better than anything he’s experienced thus far.

21. Go Deep or Go Home

Warren Buffett, the greatest investor of all time said “The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.” Amen to that.

If there’s one sex skill you should invest in, then that’s learning how to deep-throat.

Set yourself apart from other women luring over your guy by being unique in this rare skill. One in 10 women give great blow jobs, and that one can usually deep-throat with ease.

Knowing how to deep throat shows your dedication to learn something completely and go through a doze of, let’s say pain, but more precisely discomfort, to learn something priceless and get to a stage where it’s not uncomfortable at all anymore.

With enough willpower you can master anything, even deep throating and killing your gag reflex. Once you can do that, your guy will never, ever desire another woman’s mouth in his life.

When it comes to deep throating: you have to believe in yourself. You can do whatever you believe you can or can’t.

Simply stop being a quitter and giving up every time you try to take him in deeper. Focus on relaxing your gag reflex and pushing through it. Push your tongue out, go a bit deeper and then hold it there for as long as you can until you get more and more comfortable with it. Be in a position where you control the movement so he doesn’t try to thrust deeper himself.

Believe you are great at giving blow jobs and you will be with more time and practice, but start by believing in yourself and adding a dose of confidence to everything you do. Every suck, kiss, lick and look needs to be more secure.

22. A Brazilian is Not Just for Women Anymore

Stopping every minute to take hair off your tongue or from between your teeth is horribly annoying not just to him but of course to you as well. It kills your momentum.

Make him shave both his bush and his balls so that it’s a more welcoming place for you.

It’s a simple trade-off. He shaves, and thus you enjoy giving him blow jobs more and you’ll give them more often. It’s a win-win.

23. Don’t Make Strange, Confused, or Disgusted Faces (we read them better than you think)

You don’t see your facial expressions when giving your guy head so you’re not aware of the strange faces you may be making and what these faces may communicate to him.

It doesn’t matter if you say you enjoy it when your face tells him the truth.

Let him see true desire on your face. Love all about him and his penis completely.

Just avoid making the “I’m working on an important project” face or the “am I doing this right?” face, or the “why didn’t he came yet?” face.

These ruin a blow job, no wonder he can’t orgasm.

24. Observe and Adjust

Women that give great blowjobs all have a simple thing in common: they are great observers.

They use their intuition and they study their guy’s movements, reactions, sighs, moans, words, they look up at him from down below seductively and follow his reactions to her every move, then she knows weather she should speed up or slow down. When, where, how.

Force your guy to be more vocal about his true desires and force him tell you what he likes most. Ask him what he likes and he’ll open up, just make sure he knows that you won’t give him a bad reaction if he’s brutally honest with you. If he likes giving you a facial then that’s what he should get.

25. Use All of Your Assets

Nice breasts? Show them. Put on a sexy bra, or take it off, have a nice long necklace that shines around while you’re doing your blowjob magic. Play with your boobs (or give him a boob job too, just oil it up ;) If your booty is your best “feature” then that’s what should be in focus. Put your booty high up in the air so he can have a spectacular view of it as a bonus to looking at you going deep (see tip #21).

Tilt your back so he can see your thongs and butt nicely, and especially your feet if he has a foot fetish (a lot of guys do) and you are on your knees while he’s standing.

You need to use all your assets to your advantage. Whatever it is, use it, because a blowjob isn’t just about using your mouth.

There must be something specific about you that he enjoys most otherwise he couldn’t get an erection.

26. Blindfold Him to Focus His Senses

Men may be visual, but imagination is king.

Blindfold him so he doesn’t see you. This is good if you are too self-conscious during a blowjob, you’ll be able to relax a bit and focus on pleasing him (yourself) without worrying how you look.

The good thing is that he’ll rely on his other senses, not just his eyes, and this can often lead to something even more powerful because he can’t see it in case you pause, move your hair or take hair off your tongue, or make strange faces sometime.

27. Blindfold Yourself to Improve Your Focus

Even though eye contact with your guy is important during a blowjob, still, what’s important is that you depend on fewer senses so you can hone your skills.

Blindfold yourself and see how different your technique will become.

You’ll improve a lot because you’ll have more focus on your technique and less on what’s going around, this will help you calm your mind (tip #8)

Give yourself up to him, let him abuse you (gently, of course) or maybe even more roughly if you can deep-throat.

Men like to feel dominant in bed, and the more you can submit to his power the more you’ll boost his ego and feeling of ownership. Let go and surrender to him.

When blindfolded you’ll have nothing to see, so you’ll have to rely on touch, smell, taste, the sounds of his moans instead of looking up at him and analyzing his facial expressions.

28. Wear a Sexy Mask (Who Are You?)

Think of catwoman… put on a sexy mask like that so you can still maintain eye contact, and then add black thongs, heels, and a sexy corset – what more can a guy ask for?

Just the visual itself will spark his imagination, let alone if your blow job is awesome. He’ll go blind when he’s eyes flip back from the power of the orgasm you give him.

29. The Blowjob Squad Dress Code: Thongs and High Heels

A great blow job is all about the show, the performance you make for him.

That’s why you have to look as sexy as possible. Get high heels, thongs, and knee pads ;)

You need to be dressed in a way that you FEEL sexy about yourself, that’s when you’ll be sexy for him as well, you’ll have this attractive energy about you that simply radiates your feminine sexuality.

Invest in a gym membership and a sexy pair of thongs, high heels and other accessories (like a nice necklace) just for his viewing pleasures and you’ll see his jaw drop sooner than later in disbelief when he achieves the most powerful orgasms of his life, one after the other.

30. Let Him “(Ab)Use” You

As said in tip #27, let go and surrender yourself to him.

When giving him a blow job you have the power to give him ultimate pain or pleasure, so you are in charge, but at some point you can “surrender” your mouth to him and let him do whatever he wishes to it.

You may be afraid of “choking to death,” but you can always hold on to his legs and control his movements to be gentler and less forceful.

Try and see for yourself how much this will turn him on. The gagging sounds you make and the sloppy saliva that builds up will make him think he’s dreaming.

Remember, you don’t have to be the BEST in the world at giving blow jobs, you just need to be better than all the other women your guy had sex with in the past.

We compare you to past experiences and set benchmarks for the quality we expect in our sex lives. Don’t meet his expectations, surpass them. Astonish him.

Don’t just meet your competition – crush it with mind-blowing skills… that’s why I recommend you use Jack’s classic blowjob lessons to acquire the skills most men only dream of their girlfriend possessing.

31. The Golden Word

The thing most women lack in order to give great blow jobs is the right attitude.

You view it as a job, or as something you give him and he should be thankful for.

That’s a HORRIBLE way to view blowjobs and it just makes your blowjobs mediocre, if even that.

Instead, view blow jobs as a gift, a blessing you are getting from him.

He’s giving you this incredible opportunity, an opportunity you are thankful for.

Ask him for permission to give him a blow job and see how this will make his MIND melt before he even reaches orgasm. Just say: “Can I please give you a blow job?” (playfully) It’s the most powerful word in your sexcabulary.

32. Stay Foolish

Don’t view blowjobs as rocket science or something. How to give a great blowjob? By staying foolish.

It’s a skill any woman can learn if she wants to, but you don’t have to view the learning process and blowjobs as something serious.

Keep having fun. Take your time. Don’t worry about making it “perfect.” The perfect blowjob will happen when everything falls into place, and often it simply is not your fault when things go wrong.

You can’t influence everything around you. Control what you can (your attitude) and the rest will fall into it’s place.

Don’t worry about being perfect; just think of it as having fun and that should be your one and only goal when giving a blowjob. Play games, act more innocent than you are but be naughty and dirty at the same time. Your ability to be a “sl*t” and a princess at the same time that will make him love (you) your blowjobs.

Let go of your nonsense fears of being looked down upon.

The only thing you should fear when giving your guy a blowjob is fear itself. Keep having fun and stay foolish.

33. And Hungry

Maybe you misunderstood Steve Jobs when he said “Stay hungry, stay foolish…” in his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford. Just for the record – he was talking about blow jobs.  He was just speaking in code.

Stay hungry and your guy will stay in love. No joke. Men are far simpler than you think.

34. That Secret Spot

You’ve heard this a million times, but it’s advice worth repeating. It is the string of skin connecting the head of his penis with the outside skin. It is super-sensitive and giving quick-licks to it can be very stimulating.

Use it to your advantage.

35. Slap and Giggle

Put on a show.

Slap your tongue with his penis as you’re saying “aaah,” then giggle and smile.

It’s part of taking your time and being playful about it. Grow familiar with his “buddy” and accept it completely.

Look at it with a hint of fascination in your eyes that will only boost his ego even further. Measure it up to see if it’s longer than your face’s length just for fun.

Anyone can learn the techniques and that will get you somewhere, but how to give a great blowjob isn’t just about conquering physical but psychological pleasure, that’s the harder part.

36. Make It Wet and Sloppy

Look, this is very important.  Saliva needs to be dripping all over the place.

The more excited you are about giving him a blow job the more excited he will be about receiving it.

When you are drooling all over his penis and just the sight of him is making your mouth water and you feel a need to take him in deep, that’s the kind of attitude that will drive any man wild. When you drool it says “this is delicious.”

Your totally wet mouth communicates an important message to him: I’m super-excited.

And there’s nothing more exciting than knowing that you love it, that you’re turned on and that there is NO OTHER PLACE in the world you would rather be now more than on your knees, enjoying yourself.

Spit on his penis, gather more saliva, drool over it, don’t worry about the “weird” sounds you might be making. They’re a turn on!

Stop being so self-conscious and get out of your mind. Stop thinking and be in the moment, in the zone, enjoying it completely.

37. Turn Yourself On to Turn Him On

Masturbate while sucking on his penis. Turn yourself on. Some women are so in love with giving blow jobs that they can even achieve an orgasm from it. That’s the level you should get to, and even if you don’t, act as if – fake it till you make it and just see how mind-blowing his orgasms will be.

The best time to give your guy a blow job is when you are turned on naturally and want to have sex, instead of jumping directly to sex, use blow jobs as foreplay, and maybe even after play just for the fun of it.  Turn yourself on! The more you’re turned on, the more he’ll enjoy the blow job. It’s the same like sex, when you are super-wet, he feels wanted and that feeling is what triggers the orgasm in his mind.

38. Be Naughty, but Innocent

Men love “sl*ts.” And that’s exactly what you should be when giving him head.

On the other hand, men don’t want to be in a relationship with a woman that society labels a “sl*t.”

So stick to the old philosophy: A lady on the streets and a ho between the sheets.

Be naughty, kinky and playful, but also act innocent at the same time, as if you didn’t know what you are doing.

It’s playful and attractive simply because nobody wants to think about how you got “all that experience.” Act as if this is something you don’t “usually do” and you don’t do it with all men, but that he is special for you and turns you on in ways other men never did and that’s why you are just now discovering your love of blowing him.

39. Don’t Expect Anything, Just Enjoy the Journey

This is probably the most important blow job tip you’ll get: Stop expecting him to orgasm.

He does… not… have… to orgasm. Period.

Simply, that should not be your goal, if it is, then you’re not relaxed, you’re under pressure and you are waiting for him to “finish.”

This only puts pressure on him and makes him feel as if he is torturing you or making you do something you don’t really want to do. Be in the moment and enjoy it, forget about the results. They’ll come, and if they don’t – don’t take it personally. Not every day is a perfect day for a blow job. Really, sometimes it’s him, not you.

Not every day is a day for mind-blowing orgasms. This tip is the most important lesson you should learn: do not have a goal or expectation in mind, other than having fun.

When you don’t have a goal, you de-pressurize your blowjob and he isn’t under any type of stress and he isn’t thinking. When he’s not thinking, then all his attention is focused on you (right where you want it) and this means he’ll always orgasm.

40. Change Location

By changing location. Same place, same time, same style – even if you give great blow jobs, at some point too much of a good thing can become a bad, boring thing.

Freshen up your blowjobs by changing things up, from your style, to the location and mood in which you give him supreme pleasure.

Leave the bedroom, go out in the wild… sometimes even just the change in room will do. Get kinky and adventurous with your blowjobs. Give him a blowjob in public, in a car, in a cinema. Get adventurous. Remember tip #9, you want him so bad that you can’t control yourself or wait until you get home. You need to go down on him right now, right here. Or else.

The best blow jobs are memorable not so much because of their quality but because of the atmosphere, situation, role, and surrounding. In the end, what we remember is the emotion. Always aim to be remembered!

41. A Real Woman Never Let’s Her Man Leave the House Hungry or Horny (Horngry)

That’s why you should give him a surprise (see tip #20) “good morning” blowjob while he’s shaving or cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast.

“How would you like your eggs, honey?” and you just appear there, giving him a mind-blowing blowjob and say “Good morning baby.”

This one “move” alone will help him have a great day at work and stop him from checking out his shamelessly slutty, overdressed, mean machine maneating co-worker.

Or at some other moment, after a delicious romantic dinner at home with some wine. We all know men have a one-track mind, while you sexy ladies can multi-task forever. So try matching the perfect meal with a perfect blowjob and you’ll go a long way with any guy you want.

42. Give Him a Sneak Peak of the Destination

Your tongue is your weapon of mass explosion. Make it sharp, fast and passionate. Let him see it, say “Aaaaah” as you open your mouth wide for him to see what he can expect.

By showing  him your tongue so he knows where he’ll arrive sooner than later. It’s an awesome turn on to see your wide open mouth.

43. Build It Up and Down to Prepare a Tsunami-Orgasm

By remembering that you are not in a hurry, there’s no such thing as “how long should a blow job last?” It lasts… and doesn’t have to arrive anywhere, that’s the surest way it can arrive somewhere. Don’t worry, with practice you’ll get to a point where you control when he’ll come.

Either way, when he gets closer to orgasm, you’ll feel his balls stiffening, his pulse speeding up and he’ll start making the “oh, my, god” face that you’re already familiar with… right then… slow it down instead of speeding it up. Tease him to perfection.

Be playful again, take it slow, massage his penis slower and make a naughty look. You control his orgasm.

Build up his orgasm so he doesn’t come immediately but “stacks” it up. Then when it finally comes, when You let him come, it comes big time. Like a volcanic eruption. You know you’ve got him when he makes a SHOCKED face.

44. Massage The Right Spot

Here’s a little tip you can use immediately if you want to know how to give a great blowjob.

He has a PC muscle. This muscle is what “shoots” out his “love-potion” when he orgasms, it’s also the muscle he contracts when he wants to control when he stops or starts peeing.

This muscle begins behind his testicles at his perineum. There are other muscles here (kegel) that are responsible for his orgasm.

What makes his orgasm 10 times more powerful is when you massage his perineum (the area between his testicles and anus) during a blow job.

Cup his balls in your palm and move your index and middle finger back to his perineum and massage that area… first, he’ll love it, second – it will “clear the passage” and you’ll make these muscles pump way harder.

When he finally reaches orgasm it will last longer and it will be infinitely more powerful (you’ll be surprised).

45. Let Him See You From More Than One Perspective

If you don’t already, you should definitely put a mirror somewhere on ground level (or bed-level) height so when you’re giving him a blow job he can also see your booty from a totally different angle. I know you may be shy… dim the lights (a bit), but don’t turn them off completely. Definitely put a mirror somewhere.

46. Where Are Your Wings?

Nowadays you have so many options in sex shops, get creative. Why not get angel wings and be his private angel (not Victoria’s).

Have a sexy costume with wings when giving him your next blow job. Listen, with awesome blow job skills, he’ll think you’re an angel sent from Blowjob Heaven anyway. Just for fun. The key is to master this art, know how to give a great blowjob, and make it memorable.

47. Have a Glass of Wine (or Two)

Never give a blowjob when you’re drunk. You’ll fail, miserably. But a glass or two of wine is ideal. The main reason most women give bad blowjobs is because of negative social conditioning. Some think it’s dirty, disgusting or demeaning to women or whatever (and they still wonder why they can’t keep a guy?). Having a glass of wine will put you both in the mood and help you let go, relax ( stop thinking ) and have an excuse for being shamelessly hungry (see tip #33). Forget about being a lady, now is not the time for that.

48. And Play Some Lounge

A big part of giving great blowjobs is creating a sexy, relaxed atmosphere where you can both forget about the world around you.

It’s just him, you and the incredible passion connecting you. Play some sexy music that will put him in the mood.

Jazz, lounge, or whatever the mood you create calls for.

49. Don’t Forget the Candle Light

Everybody looks better under candlelight. Forget about blowjobs in the dark. If you are too shy and keep turning the lights off you are really “in the dark” so to speak.

Remember, you must believe in yourself, enjoy yourself and be happy with who you are.

Be comfortable in your own skin by loving yourself, and improving yourself, not with make-up but with a healthy lifestyle, and, more importantly, a healthy mindset towards your own beauty. Say “you are beautiful” to yourself every day.

Candles can smell nice and make the atmosphere for your perfect blow job sexier and more romantic. The point is to capture all of his senses.

50. Smell Like Sex

And that’s why it’s also important how you smell, put on a sexy perfume to add even more enjoyment to the mix. When he remembers that “amazing blowjob” you gave him “that time” … in his mind, the first thing that will register is your smell. Whenever you wear that same perfume again he’ll immediately associate it to that mind-blowing orgasm and just smelling you will instantly get him turned on.

Yep, brainwash him.

51. Turn Your (and His) Phone OFF

There’s nothing worse than getting a call or text messages while giving your guy a blow job.

Sure, it may be attractive to him if he’s working, playing video games, cooking or talking on the phone while you are giving him head (do it, sometimes), that makes him feel more powerful and it can be really cool, but it’s not a regular thing.

In general, he also wants to relax and enjoy the pleasure you’re giving him, so turn your bloody phone off, and his, so you don’t get distracted all the time.

52. Don’t Wait to Get Tapped on Your Shoulder, Take Initiative

He should never have to “ask” or “beg” for a blow job like an idiot. That alone is already too degrading and makes the whole thing pointless.

You should take initiative by knowing when is a good time for a blow job (most of the time), initiate it yourself to help him relax; you’ll see a big difference in your relationship’s quality once you learn how to give a great blowjob and they happen more often because you wanted to please him and not because he had to ask for it.

53. Move Your Hair

Tie your hair into a bun or a ponytail (even better!) or somehow else so that your hair doesn’t always jump into the “action” and distracts you by having to move your hair away every minute. It’s annoying and kills the mood by killing your momentum.

Men are visual and love variety. The need for variety is biological. He’s programmed to “spread the genes” – a way to trick his biology is to appear as a different person from time to time… that’s why role-play is attractive. A good way to use this to your advantage is to change your hairstyle from time to time and how you look.

Sometimes you’ll give him a blow job when you are completely naked, other times you’ll be totally dressed, or something in between. The key is to learn how to give him a great blowjob, right?

54. Don’t Use Hands (Sometimes It’s Better Not to)

I said “use your hands” in tip #11, why? Because a lot of women simply don’t use their hands at all. Or don’t use them correctly.

Now, if you DO know how to use your hands correctly already, what’s attractive is to NOT use them at all and instead give a “hands-free” blow job. Put your hands behind your back or on his legs (or butt) and use just your mouth.

This will force you to improve your technique and suction to the max. When he slips out of your wet mouth you can chase it back in.

Once you can get your guy to orgasm from a blow job by using your mouth alone – imagine the kind of blow jobs and pleasure you’ll be able to give him once you start using your hands again. It will feel like a miracle.

He won’t know that getting such pleasure from a blow job is even possible. You need to do this combined with Tip #30 (Let him “abuse” you). When using just your mouth, he can then play around with your mouth, that’s why you must learn how to deep-throat and take your love deeper than Atlantis (see why in tip #21), otherwise you’ll never be able to make his semi-sadistic, secret blowjob fantasies and fetishes come true. And I mean, that’s like a one-way ticket to happily ever after. That’s what makes him get down on one knee and put a ring on your finger.

55. Let Him Do It

When you are arriving to the “finale” it might just be that you can’t manage to get him to “arrive,” then you feel like a failure and give up. Don’t give up!

Giving up is for quitters and as soon as you start feeling bad about yourself and asking yourself “why didn’t he come yet?” – he’ll immediately see this on your face and HE will start worrying about it and then it’s over. He won’t be able to orgasm.

There’s just no way he’ll orgasm after that thought crosses his mind.

Again, don’t forget that he does not have to orgasm, if he doesn’t – don’t make a big deal out of it otherwise he’ll have a hard time to orgasm in the future as well. Then it’s just a vicious circle.

If he believes that he can not orgasm from a blow job (and many men have this false belief because they haven’t met a woman that gives great blow jobs, yet) then he’ll convince himself he can’t and this will become his reality. His mind blocks his penis.

Anyway, make sure that you are OKAY with it if he finishes off himself toward the end and you keep touching yourself, massaging your breasts, showing him your open mouth and waiting for your “dessert.” This is also the best time to talk dirty to him.

Have stroke him while you get as low as possible and sexily lick and suck on his balls gently. (He’ll LOVE this).

The point here is to have him finish himself so that he gets used to the idea that he CAN come from a blowjob.

Later on you’ll be able to get him of completely by yourself.

56. Spitters are Quitters

As I said before, if you really want to learn how to give a great blowjob you need to be different (better) than other women when it comes to sex and blowjobs. Set yourself apart.

Nobody says that you need to be the best in the world, just better than any other woman your man will ever come in contact with or did in the past.

Many women are disgusted by getting sperm anywhere near their face or mouth, but then again, are they in happy relationships? I doubt it.

Their man is also watching porn and wondering how come he can’t get any of that kind of action?

If you want to give the best blow jobs to your guy then you have to do what most other women don’t want to do.

Spitting is basically rejecting him, and it’s hard to make a guy believe that you truly enjoy giving him blowjobs if you don’t enjoy the product of your “labor.”

Spitting is as if you are spitting him out, making a strange, grossed out look on your face, if you even let him finish in your mouth.

You must embrace and love every part of him. And that’s why…

57. You Have to Swallow (in Style)

Become a Blowjob Queen: Tips on How to Give a Great Blowjob

Well, don’t spit, swallow. A lot of people tell you “swallowing is totally up to you” – but that’s just advice that’s shooting you in your own foot. You must swallow, otherwise all you’ve done until now is going to waste. The most important part of a blowjob is how you finish it, and if it’s not done right, then it’s better if you didn’t even start the blowjob in the first place.

Swallow – and do it with style, with total passion, devotion and love for your guy.

Swallowing sets you apart. Swallowing says “I accept you, completely.” Show him what he gave you and then happily enjoy your reward (remember, attitude is everything!).

Worried about the taste? You can make his semen taste better by making him watch his diet, and he will if he knows what “benefits” that brings him in the bedroom.

Don’t blame him for his desires, or me for being honest with you. Blame porn for our high expectations of women. And even instead of complaining about it (as many women do), take advantage of this. Use these realizations of his desires to your advantage… that’s how you wrap him around your finger, by knowing what he really wants in bed, giving it to him, and then having him sexually addicted to you and seeing you as the love of his life. Men are simpler than you think.

58. Make Your Own Performance

A great blowjob is a great show. If you trust this guy (don’t do it if you don’t trust him!), make your own video. See how you look and how you perform.

Make show out of it, a true performance. If you make the initiative, he’ll love it even more. You can watch it together, and he’ll have some great material when the two of you are apart for any reason. Get into the role completely and have fun with it.

And some more random tips…

59. Be a Sinner. We’re All Going to Hell Anyway!

I don’t care whether you’re religious or not, or what your religion is if you are. A supremely sexy thing to add an extra dose of “naughty” to your blow job is to have a religious symbol on your body during a blow job. For example, if you’re Christina, have a necklace with a cross on it or earrings in a cross shape while giving him a blow job.

Anything that “shouldn’t be done” has a dose of kink to it, that’s why the schoolgirl/innocent role is a turn on. Get creative with your sinner role.

60. Sit back and Enjoy

And the last tip  on how to give a great blowjob : just sit back and enjoy ALL THE LOVE you’re gonna get once you apply these awesome blowjob tips.

Every man loves a great blowjob and you’ll see how much more he’ll appreciate you once you give him the kind of satisfaction he dreams about.

61. How to Master the Art of Blowjobs?

All the advice you have read above is just the tip of the iceberg.

There’s so much more you can learn about the art of blowjobs that are way beyond the scope of this article. That’s why we at YouQueen recommend you read Jack’s Blowjob Lessons, the bestselling step-by-step guide to giving killer blow jobs.

There is a reason why thousands of women around the world treasure this guide. You can also read our detailed review of the guide here.

Anyway… don’t worry, now that you’ve read these tips – the Force is strong with you. 

Keep calm, and have fun! ;)

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A lot of readers asked us about this so we decided to share how.

Click this link here and when you scroll down to the bottom of the page click “ADD TO CART.” Once you complete your order, you will gain INSTANT access and can start learning the art of blowjobs within minutes.

Don’t forget your purchase is 100% RISK-FREE, backed up by a 60-day money-back guarantee. So you’ve got nothing to lose to give this a try and see how it works for you.

About the author


Jason runs a construction company, but he enjoys sharing his experiences with the opposite sex by writing about relationships in his spare time. He spends his weekends kite surfing and running on the beach.


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  • omg!!! thank you sooo much jason those tips are surely gonna work for me i can’t wait to give my man a blowjob again !

    • Lol you sound like a douche (give your man a blow job or he’ll find another woman)…hahaha Ok then find another one.

      • I agree with Lara here, you sound like a douche! After reading this article I actually don’t even want to give BJs anymore, it’s so discouraging! Imagine reading an exactly same article on giving head to women, with the same attitude as you – probably won’t feel very good, eh?

      • thats why you will always be left behind by a trove of men Lara. You don’t get it. You receive advice and chuck it away. Have fun at home on the couch watching “the notebook” over and over again. Maybe, Lara, YOU are the real douche here.

      • Blowjobs are a very important part of a sexual relationship for many men. It’s only natural that they seek out women who have no problem giving them.

  • wow…i have never tried to do Deep Throat, but after reading this i must try :) tnx Jason, this tips are amazing :*

      • Another tip you missed that my man LOVES, have 2 cups of water.. 1 cool (not too cool) and 1 warm (not hot, obvs) start with the warm water, half fill your mouth before slipping him in between your lips, after a minute do the same with the cool- the change in temp drives him WILD- better still blindfold him first, he won’t know what hit him

  • Oh thanks so much I didn’t know most of these things. I can’t wait to practice what I have learnt.

  • I am trying to meet a woman and will save this list. There are many good things on this list.

  • I have done all the things you have suggested and I enjoy giving my man a nice blow job all the time!!! I love my guy and can’t wait till our next encounter..ahhhhhhhh!

  • hey jason great i bumped into this.are you writing about other similar things?? i found this one though quite informing,on behalf of women,i would say. but still,ain’t new stuff for some of us. well done keep the good job going and please oh please save the mankind with your man-advises! :))

  • Jason. I must sadly disagree. I ALWAYS did EVERYTHING on your list…Still got broken up with:(. Took EXTREMELY good care of the Man and the Entire Package for eight years with Great Enthusiam (loved it!). No, I’m not “fugly.” I’m a working Model and getting my PhD. I still don’t understand :-/.
    Thanks, Anyway:)

    • Sex isn’t everything…

      Model and PhD? wow! Maybe that’s the reason- you are probably realy busy.

    • I’ve been there too. Some men are ungrateful assh*les and nothing is ever good enough. Just don’t let it crush your Goddess spirit.

  • A lot of this, I actually already do as part of instinct… kind of proud of myself! But, I think with some things you could’ve phrased things better. Like you said, the whole part of giving a blow-job is wanting to be submissive to the guy. That has to be voluntary. I love doing that, but as I was reading I felt myself being very defensive! And knee-pads? Who needs knee pads if you keep a little pillow under the bed, then it looks like a prayer matt ;) but I’ll try a couple of these other techniques, thanks!

  • This just seems demeaning to women. I mean, saying I’d we don’t give good bj’s, our men will cheat? Really? Telling us to let him have complete power over us and to use us? Wow I thought this was 2013, not 1813. Do you have any advice for men on how to please women? If they want us to go down on them, they need to do the same for us!

    • Jenn, it has absolutly nothing to do with surpressing women, but surrendering. That’s what you automaticly do when you’re on your back. Don’t make a fun game an issue. Try it, be really submissive. The next time you turn the tables and you can make him your b*tch. As long as it’s all in good fun, it’s oke. Talk about it first before you going to try it though, your likes and dislikes, your boundaries.

    • yeah, 2013, not 1813 where women couldn’t intellectualize sexuality because it was taboo. this is for real women, not shrews in ivory towers. good luck with your chastity!

    • Well he did say in the beginning of the article not to read it if you thought it was going to be demeaning…

    • Wow you entirely missed the point. I think you should leave your man (if you even have one), he’s better off without you.

      Oral sex shouldn’t be thought of, let alone articulated, as a trade-off. It’s not business, it’s not about fairness, it’s not about feminism, it’s not really about anything except pleasure.

    • I agree. My BF and I are still young enough where we have decided to wait a while before we do this, but we be’ve discussed how. He doesn’t want me to be uncomfortable, and would never “use” me. He says the idea of forcing me to go deeper isn’t arousing. He might not ever think about turning me on/making me come, but he abhors the mere thought of making me do something I’m uncomfortable with. He’s offered to let me spit when said time comes, but I won’t. We don’t do bj’s or anything like that, but we’re both happy. He often mentions what it’ll be like if we get married, because he can’t see himself with anyone else. The lack of bj’s won’t make him cheat. I’m probably half of the author’s age, but I can tell that I have a healthier relationship, because he’s missing out if all he thinks about is sex.

      • To be honest, he’s probably just saying what he thinks you want to hear. He definitely wants a good BJ. Every man does. But i digress. I suppose that means he wont be going down on you either? If not, you’re probably missing out as well.

        Sex is a big part of relationships. I would suggest at least trying it before knocking it.

  • I agree that this article is completely demeaning. The suggestion that women are to blame for men cheating because they probably didn’t give good enough head is sexist… and ludicrous. And saying that what women don’t do in bed, “some other woman will be happy to do for YOUR guy” is bullsh*t. No one (at least no one that doesn’t have serious self-esteem issues) likes to have a relatively large object shoved repeatedly down their throat while they drown in their own saliva and snot pours from their nose because they can’t breathe through their mouth. I do almost everything on this list for my boyfriend and most of the time I enjoy doing it, but he wants head several times a day and if I took this ridiculous advice to heart, I’d never be able to do anything but suck his d!ck and I’d feel like sh*t about myself. And the author is right – we have p*rn to blame for men’s absurd expectations. So maybe men should stop watching so much p*rn and pay attention to their women – before they cheat for being ignored because women can get laid faster and easier than men. We don’t as often because we’re LOYAL. This article is self-contradictory, debasing to women, and unnecessary. Write an article about how to give head to women because we all know men are far worse at that than women are.

    • I did find this really helpful. I know that some parts were considered “demeaning” but they were just honest. I mean, let’s face it, guys have thoughts, even about the girl they love, that are gonna be demeaning. people need to CHILL. very helpful, cant wait to try out these tips:D

    • Every ounce of this post is fiction. You are insane if you think with women out-populating men and men controlling the majority of the wealth that women even have a fraction of the “opportunities” that men do. And as for “paying more attention to their women” — speaking of ludicrous . . . we live in a society that practically deifies women. How much more “attention” is needed? Maybe this is just a bad list for you, specifically.

      • I hope you realize that in the West, women control 80% of the budget.
        You’re acting like every country is like the Middle-East.

        In the West women are regarded as more important than men. Period.

    • For one, i’m fairly certain the point the author was making with that “loosing your man” comment was to the fact that a lot of men (and women for that matter) who do wander sexually do so because they aren’t being satisfied. That’s not to say that’s always the case, or even the case most of the time; but it is far from rare. It’s not to say that it’s purely your fault if you get cheated on, which is a ridiculous notion in any case… But that is to say that if you aren’t willing to satisfy your partner’s sexual needs, then someone else will; and being good in bed reduces the chances of someone wanting to cheat on you; sexually. That cuts both ways, for both genders. And you’re COMPLETELY WRONG about no-woman enjoying giving head, or your idiotic bullsh*t notion that the only people who enjoy doing such must be damaged, have low-self esteem or otherwise traumatized. The same way that giving head to a woman does nothing for me sexually, knowing that i’m satisfying my partner & giving them physical euphoria is itself the pay off. If you’re going to be selfish about sex and only concern what makes you feel good; you must be horrible in bed and I can guarantee he’s not being satisfied and is lying to you. No-one likes a self-centered sexual partner; male or female. -_-

      The advent of the independent woman, contrary to your belief; has made it EASIER for men to engage in NSA sex. While in general it may be easier for a woman in this country to get sex than a man, it’s not as if it’s all that hard for men either. Many women wind up writing off needing/wanting men for relationships, and thus seek them out when they want physical gratification and nothing more, I’ve seen it happen; been approached; and talked to women who’ve done such. The reality is, the empowering of women (which is a hugely important advancement, and good for everyone) has created a situation where women have started adopting the creed (look like a lady, work like a boss, think like a man) which as resulted in women approaching relationships and sex in general more like men. Am I saying this is applicable to all women? Not at all, but it’s increasingly becoming the case among the modern; independent woman.

      P*rn is not the be all end all of sexual reality. The increasingly sparse economic future has created scores of prostitutes and strippers that are readily available for viewing or purchasing pleasure of those who wish it. Our entertainment (music & media) have pushed sexual liberation, and women in general are vocalizing their wants and needs and being unafraid to seek out physical gratification after shaking off the shackles of sexual repression. There are a multitude of factors, and blaming p*rn alone is pure stupidity. In any case, the attitudes toward p*rn are not going to change, because our country is becoming more sexually free & open; not less. Which is probably good. We are currently the most sexually repressed country on earth; with higher STD & Teen pregnancy rates than all of Europe (despite our constant reprimands of their sexual liberalism)… which in and of itself should tell you that his reserved attitude that sex is bad, or women should only behave in certain socially acceptable ways isn’t working out too well for us.

      I’ve never cheated in my life, and been cheated on twice by women. I’ve had friends who’ve been cheated on by women & statistically women are starting to cheat as much as men. Look it up on google if you dont’ believe me, since I can’t post liks on here. So don’t give me that bullsh*t about all men are dogs and all women are saints. The gap between men & women in cheating is nil, and it’s empirically provable that it’s so. Numbers don’t lie lady, despite whatever bullsh*t bias you have.

      You are so misguided, so wrong, and ignorant of reality. I feel bad for you smh. If you think pleasing your partner is demeaning to women, but expected of men; you’re a sexist. If you think this is about feminism or male’s being “dominant and putting women in their place” you’re wrong. It’s about being a good lover & putting your partner’s needs & wants before your own, and sharing your bodies. You seem to know nothing of that. You don’t HAVE to give head, no-one is forcing you to. But don’t be an ass and say that there’s something wrong with those that do so & enjoy it, and take your prudishness somewhere else.

      • I completely agree. I am a very sexual woman by nature. I have a Masters Degree and I am working my way through law school. I very secure in all aspects of my life. I came across this information while trying to improve the skills I already possess. I believe if you take the precious time to do something it should be done to the best of your abilitys, if not then you have just wasted time. I believe the point of submitting yourself to your man is only in the context of the lesson. You can completely be dominant in all other aspects. As am I. But by throwing down the wall of dominance it creates a new scenario for your man. In my life I have found it to be very arousing to my partners because its the only area they feel in control. But in reality I still have the complete control. I just let them believe they are the MAN, and I am their B*tch. I love satisfying my partner sexually. I have never found someone who has not reciprocated my gifts. I enjoy receiving as well. Knowing how to please a man only increases the pleasures they give you in return. The point is that woman who believe this is degrading should reevaluate the situation and realize it only increases their power as women.

      • Here here Aldris!!! Very well spoken. Some readers are taking too many of the authors words as completely literal and anyone can plainly see that although what he said is the truth it was also said in a jovial manner. He’s not saying be a slave to your man. He’s saying at that moment for us women to become fully engulfed in making our man feel like a King. There’s nothing wrong with that. The author isn’t telling us to live every minute of everyday being subservient just where pleasuring our man through blow jobs is concerned. I myself agree 100% and love love love the reaction I get from my man when I show him I live for his manhood when I’m giving him a blow job. His reaction gives me power and we both love it!!!

  • There are some excellent tips here, but something was bothering me about the tone of this. Then I got to #35 and the bells went off. “Be slutty, but innocent.” Ah, yes. Here is the impossible catch 22 that misogyny catches women in, and which hurts men as well. Know what you’re doing, blow his mind with your desire, be better at blow jobs than anyone, but you better hope he doesn’t think you’re a sl*t! This is a game in which everyone loses. Personally, if I love a guy, I love sucking his c*ck. I dream of sucking his c*ck. It’s the sexiest thing I can think of, it totally turns me on, and I am very good at it. But if I trust him enough to show him that part of myself, what I deserve in return is his respect and affection. If he turns around and labels me a “sl*t,” not only am I hurt, but he has been cheated out of a potentially great relationship because of a stupid, outdated, mysogynist view of women’s sexuality. Women are complete people with many facets all rolled into one: loving and pure hearted, slutty and lascivious, powerful and submissive, feminine and masculine. Train yourselves to get turned on by that, if you arent already, and be smart enough to ditch the slut-shaming.

    • I think the author meant slutty as a very promiscuous girl, someone who blew tons of guys.

      Just think about it. If you ask your boyfriend why he’s so good at going down on you, and he says he practiced on 10 girls before you, wouldn’t that ruin the experience at that moment?

      • “Innocent” is probably the wrong way to talk about this. It would be better to say: “go ahead and act like a sl*t, but don’t talk about other guys while doing the deed.”

  • Jason, Ladies & gentlemen: I can’t believe I am sharing my ‘secret’ but here it is: HONEY. If you want to provide yourself and your partner the best experience; grab some honey and take 2 Tblsp.’s (or more) of honey before you indulge. It secretes the saliva glands in your mouth and you’ll will be / he’ll be slipping and sliding on honey heaven! I keep an h-bear in the goodie drawer nest to the bed.
    You’ll love me for this trick – Daisy

  • A great article. For me at 42, and after many blowjobs given to me over the years…there were a few that stuck out in my mind as “Best Ever!” In particular one women that got it all right and whose suction was likened to that of a Hoover vacuum. She approached it like she desperatley trying to get a very thick milkshake up the straw. Drove me wild! I am notoriously difficult to please but what others took 30 to 40 mins to achieve…she could manage in 4 to 5 mins.

  • I happen to be one of those natural born “Jedi Bj warriors” lol that’s what my friend likes to call it. But I pretty much have done all of these naturally. Me and my guy have been together for 3 yrs now so I find myself not into it as much anymore and tend to try to reach the” goal” more often. Last night I cleared my mind, took my time and just enjoyed him enjoying me and he told me this morning that it was the greatest bj of life!!! Lol Thanks a lot..he’s cooking me breakfast as we speak..lucky me:):)

  • This list was obviously written by a man, or men. Not to say it’s bad advice but do you think it will really work?

    • Yes. As a guy who used to be a player and is in a relationship (2 years now) with a girl that has never really given blowjobs before (to this day), this advice would definitely work. Just recently she has opened up more sexually and I know she really wants to try to be more sexual with me (we have had sex before). I am definitely going to show her this list because I really think this will help her and her worries about the entire idea of blowjobs (take it slow, believe in yourself, don’t think, and moan are things she would have never thought of and I wouldn’t have thought to tell her).

  • I am “gearing up” to give my first BJ soon, and have spent most of the evening doing “research”. This far and away is the best resource i have found..thank you SO much for it.

    • and mine also :) this tips are amazing…i have never before tried to do deep throat, but now i feel like a blowjob queen :)

  • I love giving my man blow jobs and swallowing every last drop of his yummy sperm. I came to this site looking to find new techniques to use. I am not new to the dance, but I have been given an assignment to learn 5 new techniques for oral sex. I am wantonly submissive to my man always and I really just want to make and keep him happier than he has ever been, but finding 5 things that are new to me, as in I have never done them before, may be very hard…. I need help! I do all the wonderful things suggested here and need something more, please, please, help me!

    • Two things:
      1) Suck slowly over the top of his penis head and down the shaft just below the ridge and back. Be sure you are “sucking” and are slowly repeating it. Your hand should be holding his penis down close to the bottom of his shaft. Incredible!
      2) Lightly holding his balls with one hand, open you mouth wide enough to encompass the width of his penis. Then move you mouth back and forth the entire length of his shaft from top to bottom. When you get to the top be sure to go over the ridge just at the bottom of the head of his penis. Repeating this will drive him crazy, mainly because you are moving the entire length of his pen in feeling the incredible warmth of your mouth. To do this properly, your head needs to be 90 degrees to the length of his shaft

    • Lay on your back and tilt your head over the edge of your bed/couch/whatever. This way your throat is aligned straight with your mouth, making it much easier for him to f*ck your mouth.

  • I do it all! except for the swallowing…we are a happy couple! but he does ask me to swallow it, I will consider that.. good article!

  • Mmmm I loved every last bit of that got so so horny I loved it we did every thing together mm them blowies are to die for every nite befor I got to sleep I alway give him 1 an he licks me out mm yum love ma babby well going bck to do it nie laters guyes

  • Agh. I’ve been putting it off for so long because I am so new to this. My boyfriend and I are in a happy relationship and we have sex, all the time, but he’s the only person I’ve slept with and I haven’t done anything with anyone else, as everyone I went to school with was just bleh and I’m not a slapper. Agh. I hope these tips help because I want to please him so badly. He deserves it he’s so good to me.

    • I have this exact same problem! I put it off so much :'( I’m just so worried ill be bad at it. Not to mention his ex was a f*cking p*rn star -.- he’s gone from p*rn star to virgin and it’s a hard act to follow even though it was ages ago :( I just don’t want to disappoint him :( we have sex literally all the time but I know he wants more.

  • There was a lot of humour in this article I was pissing myself laughing. Don’t take yourself seriously & take direction from ur guy it will be easier for u in the long run & way more pleasurable for both of u. Sex should be fun & enjoyable. This isn’t demeaning if its given with love & passion.

  • Ok, first of all I wanted to thank Jason for sharing this with us in such a clear and simple way. Secondly I must say I absolutely adore my man’s c*ck and I would be more than happy to give him bj every hour. But I feel like there’s just one very, very important thing which has been left out… And that is CLEANLINESS. Nobody said anything about that. Often us girls turn off such requests simply because we don’t want to get a taste of cheese or tuna or else while giving head… BLEAH!!! No offence to the guys reading, maybe it’s not you, but somebody before you which made us so “picky”…
    Would love to get responses and hear your experiences girls :)

  • You forgot one thing :) Ocassionally put his c0€k between your breasts so he can get a good visual if you decide (together) to have him come on your chest. Also, ladies, you don’t have to look perfect. All he needs is well-groomed, natural beauty. Don’t worry if your body isn’t perfect! I have a couple of scar that really bother me WAY more than it bothers him, and in fact, didn’t notice them until I pointed them out. I also fluctuate in weight. We are human, and real men understand that. He is looking at the goods, not your imperfections!

  • I love those tips. But I got a question.. is it ok to ask the guy to put on a condom for a blow job??

    • Sad that safe sex isn’t mentioned here. If you aren’t comfortable asking him just go buy some flavored condoms and put it in on him yourself. I’m pretty sure he is not going to say no don’t do that. If he seems confused or surpised simply smile and say “How about we try something fun and different” Make sure to get a flavor you love. The more you enjoy the flavor the more you will enjoy performing the BJ. The more you enjoy what your doing the more he will enjoy it. The bottom line is you have to be comfortable with your self, comfortable with him, and enjoy the act for what it is – a way to provide pleasure to your partner. After all isn’t that what we all want – to feel and enjoy the pleasure.

    • Condoms for bj’s is only for people you have literally just met or who you arent in a relationship with. But if you are in a relationship and you suggest a condom for a bj, then you have some serious issues you need to deal with.

      If you still insist on a condom for a bj with your guy, then I hope you enjoy your single life. Start buying your cat collection now.

      • There is literally NOTHING wrong with using a condom, a number of STDs can be transmitted through them and it’s not a question of trust because the guy might not even know that he has them.

  • I love giving my fiancée bj’s but was very inexperienced at the beginning. I have become much more comfortable and confident in the past few months actually and I kid u not, he couldn’t wait to get the wedding date set pronto. :) I always had him come on my breasts or face/chest but I really want to swallow and surprise him. My only problem is the taste gags me BAD. It’s not him but just the taste/texture in general. I really want to get past this and give him a great time. It’s not him at all. Hell, I can’t even eat eggs or mayo on a sandwich. It’s ME. Help! Any ideas that might help? I really want to do this for him. :)

    • Everyone tastes different just as what tastes good to you may not to others. A great way to change the way he tastes is adding more fruit to his diet. You wont even have to mention it. Make him some fruit desserts with dinner, or some fresh cut fruit for breakfast. Most men wont turn down food. Its a win win, you will be sweetening it for both of you!!!

    • My ex girlfriend had the same problem you have, the taste. Reading another site, she learned how to get around the taste problem. When you have his shaft in your mouth and you can tell by his verbal or body reactions that he is about to come, take his penis deep into you mouth, not enough to gag, but deep as is comfortable for you. When you can tell he has come, swallow immediately. You won’t get the taste. Your taste buds are further up your tongue. And you have pleased your partner.

  • Thanks for the tips, Jason! I did my first bj a week ago and it wasn’t bad for a first time. But I wanted to satisfy my man a little more and did some research yesterday. Tonight I was with him in his car and surprised him ;) got a great feedback thanks to your tips! He had to answer a call from work and he said that he couldn’t even think. Just needed to be more relaxed :) thanks!

  • Demeaning my butt!! I don’t care if it’s 2044. Get on ur knees and suck that d*ck. If you’re confident in your womanhood, an article like this shouldn’t offend you. Sometimes women make things way more controversial than they need to be. #RealWomenSwallow :-*

  • I’m curious about why you ladies who are complaining about this article being demeaning are reading an article about how to give a great blow job. If you thought it demeaning why bother to stop and read. I’m pretty sure the intent of the article if to provide tips on how to give a better blow job!!! Sheesh

    • I found this demeaning not because of the tips, but because some of the comments made. The author obviously doesn’t know a lot about love, which nether do many people these days, but if you truly love someone, it doesn’t matter what they do sexual. I have a friend who can’t even have sex due to birth defects and she’s in an amazing realationship. also it was stated that anyone can be pretty in this time, which is true but that’s teaching people that you have to be pretty to be loved, which has nothing to do with looks. LOVE is emotional, not physical or sexually. the comment also is HORRIBLE for sel esteem reasons. there are some people who have HUGE issues with this, which could make them worse.
      some of the sex tips were fine, but many comments made women seem like objects used only for men’s pleasure

  • I’m age 17 and had my first blow job last week. She was terrible at it, my recommend this site to her if I ever see her again.

  • Not to brag but I already do all of those things and yes they work AMAZINGLY my boyfriend loves it Jason thanks for sharing its a great tip to so many people!

    • Women who strive to be the best at using their head will rarely lose their man ! Being fantastic at sex is far more important than any other trait that a gal could have. I once dated a lady who pretended to be too high society to give a BJ but she ended up being one of the best I have ever had !

  • I give AWESOME BJ’s! These young girls are dumb learn to cook and give your man 2-6 bj’s a month and he will treat you like a queen.. As you get older and have been in a relationship more years BJ= Bring Jewelery I don’t ask for it but I sure get it every holiday and sometimes just because. Just like I suck his c*ck just because.. Happily married 12+ years..

    • 2 to 6 bj’s a month? I think you mean 2 – 4 bj’s a DAY!

      2 to 6 bj’s a month is pathetically low. When I started giving my guy bj’s I started with 1 day, then twice a day, then it became 2 times a day minimum. He then started reciprocating back to me.

      We pleasure each other every day now, and it has totally altered our relationship. I’ve never been more happier, more relaxed, and just love life in every way.

  • Thanks for the tips! I’ve never given a blow job before so I hope this works out on my man!

  • Thank you for the tips and how to keep our men happy. Will definately be trying most of them as they have made me see what I have been doing wrong..:)

  • Omg! This was so f*cking awesome! Most of the time, I run away when he even suggests a blowjob. Literally. But God, this was so helpful. I’m gonna try all of these, especially the thongs and high heels. Thank yew so much Jason! Lots of Love! :* ^_^

  • Just when I thought there weren’t any Rabbits left in the hat, Jason pulls out more!
    However, swallowing is my issue. God knows I’ve tried but… The texture. The thought doesn’t bother me, the deed doesn’t bother me, the taste doesn’t bother me. I’d love to be able to do it but as you say, facial expressions are hugely important. So i’d rather spit gracefully, than spoil the moment by heaving. So no, ‘real women’ don’t just swallow, they spit too! Also, the term spit is awful. I vote to change it to ‘vacating the room after a few moments’

    • I really dont understand why women are being b*tches about this, for real. He was being honest! And he gave great tips that I will totally use on my boyfriend. None of this was demeaning! I dont agree with him saying men will cheat of they dont get this or if its bad, but maybe that applies to those dogs out there, because my love my head AND me, and would never cheat on me. Bit seriously, he gave helpful tips, all while adding completely AMAZING humor, and and a straight up attitude. Would you want tips from a guy who knows nothing about this and wants to be a complete p*ssy rather than telling the truth about this, or a guy who knows his subject (teehee) and what a guy wants? (Him being a guy) I’m just saying… and there will be no 2-6 blowjobs a month for my guy! Its whenever he feels like it, and I’m willing, which will be all the time since I’m
      obsessed with this. So ladies, if you think he was downing women, you probably should’ve took his advice at the beginning of the story and not have read it.

  • P.s. if you have any tips on giving head to an extremely well endowed man (and I mean, like a baguette!) I’m all ears.

    • Make use of your hands. Take in a comfortable amount with your mouth and work your hands around the shaft … make sure its wet.

      • Share that appetizer with a friend! ;-)…btw… How you doin’ fren? *s*

  • Thank you very much!! I haven’t given many blowjobs but I really want to get good at it for my man! I want to enjoy it just as much as he does, and after reading this I feel more confident in giving good head. <3

  • This article made me super super ready to give him another blow job, I can’t wait to try some of these ! Thanks ! (:

  • These tips are awesome. There’s only one that isn’t true for all men. Just because you don’t swallow (or let in your mouth at all) does not mean your man will stray in ANY way shape or form. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years and were both 22 now. I’ve never even let him c** in my mouth because the smell makes me want to vomit. And he has NEVER even looked at another woman. I don’t think it’s fair that you say that about men because its not always true!

    But the rest of the tips are super helpful! I tried the smiling thing and I can tell he really liked it. Thanks :)

    • His d*ck shouldn’t smell like much of anything. Try taking a shower with him and putting his d*ck in your mouth then. Not that you have to conform to my idea of sexuality, but I think you’re both missing out…

    • You just think he has never looked at another woman. But get realistic. If you dont do what your guys wants (all of it) he will go find it somewhere else. Even if its behind your back. A woman in the same position will do the same thing.

      Its called human nature. Straight men (ALL men) look at women and fantasize about them just like a straight woman (ALL women) will look at men and fantasize about them.

      If your guy says he doesn’t look at or fantasize about other women, then he is lying to you. Every guy does. Whether or not they are married, single, or in a relationship. We all do. All the time. Its just part of who we are.

    • You’re wrong. If you dont swallow, your guy will leave … eventually. The moment he runs into a girl that will swallow (and trust me there’s lots of girls out there hovering and waiting to pounce on your man), he will be out the door and he wont look back. It doesnt matter if you are married, in a long term relationship, or deeply committed, kids or no kids, etc. A womans mouth has the ultimate power over a man.

      If you want him to be loyal and pick you over everyone else out there forever, suck him dry every day, several times a day, and swallow every last drop with pleasure and hunger. Trust me, I’m in my second marriage and I’ve been married for 23 years now. In my first marriage I refused and put up wall to doing everything … he ended up finding someone else who would, and I dont blame him. It was my issue, and I didnt face the facts.

  • I’m actually very excited to give him a blow job after reading this… very helpful!

  • This artical just made me so horny, all I want to do now is give my man a blow job and swallow his sperm

  • Wow! Thanks so much for this advice! My boyfriend (well fiancé now) just came home from navy boot camp a week ago and I used all of this advice during a blow job and he proposed to me 3 days later! Not sure if it was the blow job but I think that really pushed him over the edge!

  • Thanks jason i cnt wait to do it i had tried but whenever i do it i feel lyk vomiting

  • Well, my girlfriend and I had a great time last night up until she tried to kiss my penis! I was absolutely appalled, how can she put her mouth there?! And with that mouth to kiss my lips later?! That act disgusted me, and everything about her… She calls me non stop now, and I just can’t pick up the phone, and I want to! But I don’t think I can continue to see her after what she did, or tried to do.

    • You need to seek professional help. You’ve got some serious mental issues you need to deal with. That sort of reaction and behavior is not normal at all.

  • One thing I would like to add to this list is, when a guy ejaculates, the head of the penis (at least mine) becomes very sensitive on top of the head (not the tip and not underneath where the frenulum and inner foreskin is). I don’t know if this is true or not for all guys but I would say, don’t touch the top part of the head of the penis (not the tip but the top area of the head) during ejaculation, you can still lick the frenulum up and down the underside of the shaft along the urethra to help get the semen out. Whenever I ejaculate it feels so good when there is a very light pressure helping the semen get out by stroking the underside of the shaft along the uretha (tube where the semen travels out). Using the tongue when this happens would be easier than hands because the pressure would be very light already because the tongue would not create too much pressure, but if you are using your hands be sure it is a light pressure but not too light, there must be a very slight pressure and the motion can be fast going up and down the shaft, again either with tongue or with hand.

  • any recommendations for TMJ… I love giving BJ’s but it becomes very painful for me very quick.. If I ignore it my jaw locks and thats just a total mood killer… HELP!!!

    • I had that issue too when I started. But the key to dealing with jaw issues and related jaw soreness is practice. TMJ and other jaw problems are all related to muscles and ligaments supporting the jaw.

      If you exercise those muscles by practicing giving more and more bj’s and going deeper and deeper, it works those muscles out. I had really bad TMJ but I forced myself to keep going and not to give up. Then over the next few months my TMJ started going away. A year later of daily blowjobs, I have no TMJ, no pain and no soreness during a bj. A little comes back if I’m eating a really tough steak but otherwise its been night and day difference before I started.

  • Wow. LOVE this! I guess I do a lot better job than I thought;). I’ve been avoiding it recently, as my allergies are bad & I find it hard to breathe. Ill be doing ALLL these things once my allergies go away. Thanks Jason!!!!:)

  • Yay!!!!! Now I know I’m doing everything right!! But I do use my hands, especially when I’m taking a break. Just make your fingers into an O, and blow him while your fingers follow your mouth, even tighten them a bit, men go crazy over that!!!!

  • While I think it’s ridiculous of you to blame guys cheating on girls’ sexual actions (or lack thereof), I love to give my guy head. Looooove to. His scent, his size, his reactions– it all really gets me going. He never, ever asks me to. I always ask for his permission…it totally strokes his ego! Only thing on here I don’t do would be swallowing. His stuff is really bitter, but I guess it won’t kill me :) Thanks!

    • The taste of your man is something you will get accustomed to and your body will adapt to it over time. New relationships and new foray into bj’s will always start out tasting bitter or pungent. The more you swallow, the more your body will grow accustomed to him. Eventually it will begin tasting sweeter and sweeter, or at the least, more neutral with no taste.

      It also shouldnt be bitter all the time. The taste should change from time to time depending on his diet. The trick to swallowing bitter semen is as your guy is about to orgasm, wrap your lips around his penis, create a little bit of suction, put his penis as deep as you can in your mouth and let him orgasm in the back of your mouth and throat, then you quickly swallow. There’s little to no taste buds at the back. Dont worry about gagging or panicking about gagging if he sprays into your throat. Its not as bad as we imagine it would be.

      I thought my husband was bitter too when I started giving him bjs. But I kept on swallowing, then it kinda became really addicting. It started tasting really good. Now I really enjoy the taste and I actually play with it in my mouth. He finds it really kinky if I open up wide and I show him all of the sperm in my mouth and then swallow it. Just typing that out makes me hot and want to find him right now so I can do that.

  • It’s a great relief to know that I’m doing all the things right to give my man a great blowjob. But I still can’t swallow…I’ll changing his diet to see if it helps.. :)…I LOVE TO PLEASURE MY MAN ;)…even if I have to swallow ;)

  • I really love blowing my boyfriend and get super excited when I hear him moan and enjoying my mouth. To the point that I orgasm during the act. He is always very willing to reciprocate also since he sees how much I enjoy it too. Blowjobs make us a power couple:)

  • I do all of these things and more and keep my guy coming (so to speak) back for more. Many of my female friends don’t believe me when I tell them how turned on I get from giving blow jobs.

    My favorite personal story was when I called a guy friend, told him that I just read an article on giving excellent blow jobs and asked if I could try some ideas on him. Needless to say, he not only said yes, but it was an absolutely incredible experience for us both.

    I was lucky that a close friend of mine, who I wasn’t dating, offered to teach me and we spent a few months honing my technique (he certainly didn’t need any tips on his oral sex skills, though).

  • For those who can’t swallow, I have to be honest… I have been giving blowjobs since I was 17, and the trick is to put him as far back as you can stand when he come so you don’t have to taste so much. Also I sometimes while he’s cumming, I have to mentally prepare myself for the taste.

    It takes practice… I guess you could use plain yogurt to get used to the texture in between sessions. Also encourage him to not eat so much red meat, asparagus, onions/garlic, and to stop smoking as those make it taste stronger and more bitter…and encourage him to eat more fruit, especially pineapples.

    Also if you give him a blow job after he’s shot his first wad, the second load won’t taste as strongly.

    I hope that helps. Guys really, really love it when you swallow. It’s not just showing you enjoyed pleasuring him, but that you love every part about him, right down to his sperm.

    Not enough girls do it which just makes a man that more impressed when I swallow with a smile and a lick of the lips.

  • if the girl has dentures.. will the man specifically his penis feel it? i am too much worried of giving one because of that problem i hace

  • Wow, I’ve always kinda wondered about my skills (or lack thereof) in the oral department. After reading this article I feel like I gained from it with the only thing I was lacking before, self esteem and confidence! Thank you so much for showing me that the only thing sexier to my man than the BJ’s he “lets me give him” ;-) is me showing him how sexy they make me feel about myself! You guys are awesome! <3<3<3

  • Oh thanks Jason this was an awesome read to find. I already do some of your tips but, I can’t wait to try the rest! Plus I would like to say I’m am with you 100% on some of the tips in here!

  • It’s true swallowing turns most guys on when my gf swallowed it turned me on even more. It gave me that motivation and determination to ‘satisfy’ her even more.

  • Thank you so much apparently it blew his mind!! I am usually not at all experienced at giving head and my man has a hard time cumming from it. This time it was totally different after I followed those tips! I made him come…first time ever from giving head!

  • Not got everything you need here (obviously, that would be impossible) and some other good suggestions in the comments, but as a guy this is the best guide out there.

    Let go of your hangups and worship your man’s penis like he worships YOU.

  • This article is fantastic. It makes me feel accomplished. My boyfriend and I are to be married soon. He is a virgin. Abstinent actually. And I love sex. I introduced him to blowjobs. And he can’t get enough. Neither can I. Other women thinks its gross. But I’m obssessed! I do it for me usually and I mastered depthroating which I never thought I could do. I read this article to see if I was doing the right things and I’m proud to say I am. A lot I didn’t know though so thanks!

  • My boyfriend says I’m amazing at giving blowjobs; I pretty much do everything on this page, but I’d never ever want him to shave! It would be too prickly.

  • To many references and threats about the guy cheating on you if you’re ‘not good enough’. I freaking love giving blowjobs and I know I do it well, but I can imagine this article making some girls so paranoid about not being good enough, that it might actually put them off blowjobs.

  • I love the advice. Every step made me horny. I am definitely ready to get 10 inches and a mouthful of sperm tonight. If i could only get handcuffs and cuff him to the bedboard. Gonna buy some right away. Good luck to the other women (and maybe men) out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I’ve personally always loved giving my boyfriend a blowjob, and like the taste of semen(I find it a bit bitter, but else it ain’t bad tasting). My boyfriend is always like “how can you get turned on by that?” it’s because I love him, love giving bj’s, and (the best part) because I know he enjoys it.

  • This was a useful article. It’s a hard (ha ha) subject to bring up with women without hurting their feelings.

  • As a woman I found this article empowering not offensive.. This was a game changer for myself and my partner. I can’t say thank you enough. Thank you!!!!

  • Just a tip to the ladies that want to deep throat but have a bad gag reflex…breathe through your nose. You can’t gag while breathing through your nose. Works like a charm when I deep throat my husband!

  • These are some really good tips. However, despite trying my absolute best at pleasing him, my man of 3 years cheated on me. With my sister. I know it wasn’t my fault. It was theirs. And I know she definitely doesn’t give blow jobs. Her previous boyfriends complained non stop to my friends. So, while these tips are definitely worth trying, I’m quite sure that just being good at head and other sexual things won’t keep your relationship together.

    • Maybe your sister didnt give blowjobs to her previous guys but does give your ex blowjobs. There is also the possibility that she does something sexually that he wants that you wouldnt do, but she does. There are many other sexual things that can be deal breakers in a relationship. For example a lot of guys have a secret fetish of peeing on their woman (I think it has to do with some sort of primal-dominance-scenting thing). Some women are okay with that and some arent. The relationships I was in prior to meeting my husband I was totally not cool with it. But when my husband and I started talking about and trying other things and I found he might be interested in that sort of thing I was all game for it. I was slightly nervous at first but once we tried it I actually found it fun and I let him do that to me from time to time.

      So while I’d never do that with other guys, I do with my husband. This goes to show you that you what you may do one person you may not with another, and vice versa.

  • never been this excited to suck my boyfriends d*ck… I can not wait for the next time i have the chance!

  • I can’t believe you didn’t mention the Blowjob Alarm Clock. Start a man’s day off like that and anything short of being lit on fire won’t faze him until he goes to bed that night.

    • Thats so true!!!! My husband had some really bad bouts of depression for a long time. I started giving him morning blowjobs every single day. I wouldnt wait for him to wake up, I would simply pull his underwear down and start sucking while he was still asleep and thats how he’d wake up. His depression disappeared really quickly. I kept on doing it every morning and his personality changed a lot. He became really calm, really happy and really highly motivated. I found myself wanting to give him more and more blowjobs every day. I’m really glad I read the article. It has changed both of our lives.

  • so glad i found this,today is my husbands birthday and what better present to give him than me at least trying to deep throat.i do over think it sometimes,so there were some really great tips in the article for me thank you :)

  • Thanks. I needed that pep talk. Can you help me-my husband mentions it and begs for it constantly. That’s a turn off for me. I promise to do it more often if he would quit begging. He needs to understand that after I’ve drug 4 kids through a grocery store is a bad time to ask. Most of the time I’m much to strung out to oblige. It’s hard to find a time when the kids aren’t running full circle.

    • You are headed for divorce. Trust me. Once you find any excuse not to do something sexual with your husband is the moment you set foot on your path to divorce. I’ve made the same mistake twice and ended up with two failed marriages with two guys that were really great to me. I just didn’t see it back then.

      If you are unwilling to sneak away or you make an excuse why you cant, then the problem is on your end. No matter who you are, and no matter how busy or hectic your life is (or you think it is), you WILL always make the time for something YOU really want. Addicts and alcoholics always find time and find ways to do their habit, no matter what. So there is no excuse, and there is never a bad time. Its only an excuse and a bad time in YOUR mind.

      If your husband is begging you for something sexual, or has to barter or compromise to get it then its already too late. I absolutely guarantee he has slept with another woman (whether its someone he knows, or someone like an escort). Like I said, I know. I made the same mistake you did. Twice. I’ve learned my lesson now and I really hope you do too.

  • My boyfriend loves when I brush my teeth across the tip. His legs shake and he always lets out a big moan. Nothing better to hear than him enjoying it.

  • Thanks for the tips… I only lost my virginity to my boyfriend 2 weeks ago, and I’d never given a Blow Job until then either, I’m going to be spending the week with him soon and I’d like to surprise him… I always thought I would hate blow jobs since the meer thought of a penis near my mouth weirded me out, but I rather enjoy it, seeing and hearing him enjoying himself all because of me, it gets me soooo into it… these tips should prove useful

  • Excuse me, Jason. I do not intend to sound like a major whore but would you please let me blow you?

  • 1 in 10? More like 1 in 50.
    And the reason for that has nothing to do with gag reflexes or a fear of chocking to death and everything to do with the guys attitude on the subject of blow jobs.
    Talk about a turn off; the minute he starts talking about
    * knee pads
    * or how i should be “swollowing instead of spitting”
    * or the benefits of drooling
    * and how it’s going to take me 10000 hours before i get it right
    * or how you are being degraded. . .
    Is going to be a DEAL KILLER for 24 out of 25 women.
    And since you brought it up; anytime a womans teeth takes the top layer of skin off the head of your d*ck – was no accident. That was her way of saying “DONT ASK AGAIN.”
    I’m not trying to be a bit@h here, i’m just giving you the facts. If you want oral sex and your not getting it at home then try changing your approach.

    on the subject. . When you start talking sh!t like “dont spit, swollow” “knee pads” and being “degraded” for having to ask, is a deal killer.

    psychological effects that oral sex has on a guy.
    Whereas women tend to form emotional attachments when they engage in intercourse the same holds true when a male is the recipient of oral sex. In his mind, it’s the ultimate sacrifice, “You would do that for ME??”
    Do a good job and you will have his appriciation and respect. Do a great job with the right attitude and you will own his soul.
    Once you become that 1 in 10, the author would have you believe that you are beholden to drop to your knees when ever your man is aroused.
    Newsflash: The last thing you want to do is give your man unfettered access to the goods. If your guy wants you to dress up in high heels, thongs and KNEE PADS, make him earn it. Dont give your power away.

    And if you comply you they engage would have you believe that once you master the art of oral sex you are now beholden to drop to your knees whenever your man becomes aroused or you run the risk of “degrading” him.
    What he failed to mention is that once you become that “1 in 10” (more like 1 in 50) you will own his soul!
    Now you got something to work with. Use it wisely.
    If your man wants you to drop to your knees wearing high heels, a thong and KNEE PADs, you make him earn it.
    He’s not going to want you less because of it, he’s going to want you more and he will move heaven and earth to get it.

    One very important aspect of oral sex that the author failed to mention here is how it effects a mans mental state.
    Whereas a woman becomes emotionally attached to her partner through intercourse; a man experences the same through oral sex. In his mind, it’s like the ultimate sacrifice, “You would do that for ME??”
    Keep up the good work and you will own his soul.
    Once you master the art of fallico the author would have you believe that you are now somehow beholden to drop to your knees every time your man gets aroused. Dont do it (he was talking with his d*ck).
    If your man wants you to give him head wearing high heels and a thong, you make him earn it

    • You’re wrong. With that attitude you will have unsuccessful relationships and you will wonder why you cant keep a man. A man doesn’t have to change his approach, or change his wants and needs. He’ll simply go elsewhere to get what he wants. He wont put up with your attitude and way of dealing with things. I know, I’ve stolen lots of guys from girls like you. So while you are busy arguing and putting up a fight, I’m on my knees and sucking your man hard and with delight …. and he’s going to give me everything I want …. and all of what was going to go to you, is now going to go to me.

  • Wow! I always wntd 2 b gud in th blow job, nd this, will help me do it better. Thanx Jason! We need this 2 enjoy our men nd them enjoying us

  • Have to disagree with you ladies who think men will not cheat if they do not frequently get bjs. I know several who cheated for this reason and this reason only. I honestly do not know why a woman would not give a bj. What, having his d*ck in your mouth is unappealing? How so? I love to watch my guy as I go down on him and suck him…and he continually asks me what he can do differently and more of to give me pleasure. I think those of you who will not suck your man just haven’t matured sexually, but to each his own.

    • That goes on to show you how stupid some females are. I don’t care if he does cheat, I am not putting his nasty penis in my mouth. That is what a woman’s vagina is for. My mouth is for eating, speaking. That is the most uncomfortable act for a woman.

      • Good luck in finding and keeping a guy with that way of thinking. You must be really sexually repressed or come from a repressive country.

      • Unbelievable. Why would you read an article about better bjs when you wont give one? Something tells me me your vagina isnt much to write home about either. You will be in the left behind series. have fun

  • Holy s*it, I am horrified by the ignorant misogyny of this article, blaming women for the failures of assh*les… and how many women are gobbling this up, calling each other b*tches for standing up for themselves? I give my boyfriend blowjobs because I love him and I know he won’t leave me with or without blowjobs. If I thought he was only sticking around because of awesome head, he’d be out the door. Don’t degrade yourselves like this, girls. And the guy who wrote this article? Scum. Ick.

    • If you think its degrading then you have a real big problem. The article is merely stating the truth. If you can’t accept the truth and become hostile to it then it indicates you are stuck in a backwards way of thinking. Also if you think the guy who wrote this article is scum you clearly have your priorities mixed up. He has helped more women and relationships than you ever will.

  • Omg this was helpful. I’ve never been a huge “BJ” giver but this guy I’ve recently just began having sex with…loves them. I’ve given him a couple and he thinks I’m great at it (which surprised the hell out of me). Anywho thanks for the great tips. They’re deff going to make my weekend even more interesting ;))))

  • I truly enjoy giving head either as a preview to other things or just to make my lover happy and relaxed. I enjoy it and feel powerful and submissive all at the same time. My question ( I guess it’s a question ) is even with changing up licking and sucking and hands my jaw gets sore before I want to end and while drool works for a while it dries up as well. Lube works for a bit but ends up getting sticky. I’m sure guys face the same with tired tongues but do you have any advice. I hate having to stop because it becomes too uncomfortable because if I’m not having fun neither is he.

  • I have never given a blowjob before. But the man im with now is everything to me, I am totally in love with him. I want to make him happy. So I guess I will be giving my first one. Thanks for the advice. I think it will help.

  • All of these bits of advice are good. Some of them have to be adjusted a little if you are a guy giving the blowjob (like me). But I still give excellent deep throat and always swallow…I even wear a thong. Thanks for the advice.

  • Lol truth is People cheat because they want to cheat.. “believing” that your boyfriend will cheat on you because you aren’t giving him blowjobs is stupid. Basically, saying as a girlfriend I lead him to cheat… But nope, that’s all his fault and I will not bother to take credit for his wrong doing. I think this article is stupid and I didn’t read pass “facts” because it seem like made up stuff rather than actual facts.

    • No, the truth is people cant accept that its their own fault why their significant other cheats. A truly happy and sexually satisfied man doesn’t cheat. Period. A sexually frustrated man is always the one that will cheat, even if he is happy with the non-sexual side of his life. So he can have the perfect job, have the perfect house, and the perfect kids, but if he is not sexually satisfied he will cheat. The same is true for a woman in the exact same position. People need to pull their heads out of their butts and wake up to reality. Like the article says, if you let your guy leave the house hungry and horny what do you expect?

  • What a nasty mysogynistic article ..most women can’t give good head? That’s not a fact. Like at all. Tf is this bs ..came for good head tips and left with nothing that amazing. More men don’t give oral than women do..and the ones that do are garbage at it. Lol but you won’t  see a woman making an article talking bout “if you’re not satisfying me, I’m gonna cheat and leave,” but someone felt entitled enough to write this. Maybe men should be taking note on how to please a women ..because most of you can’t. You all worrying about girls giving the perfect head and 90% of you think thrusting around is enough to make us cum. Oh GOD

  • I used these tips on my man. He went crazy and I swear he looks at me different, like I’m a f*cking goddess or something. THANK YOU. I enjoy giving him blow jobs I just needed a little advice lol.

  • Lots of these things are on a need to ask first basis.
    Ive never dated a guy who wanted his testicles, much less his perenium, to be played with.
    And so far, each guy has preferred to be lying down in my experience (deep throating is easier when he lies down anyways.
    Ive always been told I give the best blowjobs, probably bc giving them turns me on (deep throating probably plays a big roll in that too)

  • This was somewhat helpful yet, i don’t think that the “swallow for your life” advice was that good, at least not for me… Turns out my man hates it when i swallow… I quite enjoy swallowing and I LOVE blowjobs (a lot as you can tell from the caps lock :P ) but still, a great tip you left out was:
    COMMUNICATION~~> it’s one of the most important things, not all men are alike and not all men like the same things so just have an open judgement-free talk about things (or, like me and my bf did: watch the movie “Two Night Stand” and then say how you two should do the same, rate what the sex, in blowjob in this case was like). Don’t be over-sensitive while doing this or you’ll go insane and good luck.

  • “Blame p*rn for our high expectations of women.”
    Never ask a real woman to try and do something sexually that doesn’t turn her on or make her feel good or even act like it does when it doesn’t. Real women don’t rely on trashy PAID acting to learn how to have a good sex life and pleasure with a man. P*RN ISN’T REAL. Real women have enough self confidence to figure it out on their own and communicate, just like real men do. I feel sorry for people who learn about their own sexual pleasures through p*rn and who create expectations because of that. The fact that you try to convince anyone that living up to p*rn is the only way to hang on to a relationship says a lot about you. Use your own brains and creativity people. You don’t have to act like a p*rn star to have an amazing sex life.

    • Just keep making excuses to make yourself feel better. I worked in the p*rn industry and to say it isn’t real shows you are completely uneducated on matters of sex and relationships. I feel sorry for whatever guy you end up with with that horrible viewpoint towards sex. And btw you better hope your guy doesn’t run into a girl like me because I’ll make you look lame in the sack.

  • I used to be confident in my sex life with my husband.. but now that we have a wonderful toddler. I felt that my sexiness stopped, I felt that now that I’m a mother I have to devote my life to being the best mother I could be. My husband got to the point of asking for blowjobs and I would brush the idea off to the side thinking that sex should be good enough. We recently got in to a disagreement about him not getting oral sex as much as he should. I could see it in his eyes that this was important to him and started looking for help. Went on Cosmo and was just confused in so many ways.. I finally found this site and I’m so happy I did. Thank you so much.. you have saved our relationship!

  • I just have to say that this article completely SAVED my relationship. Also, the first time I gave him a blow job after reading this, I deepthroated and he LOST HIS MIND… I heard noises of pleasure I’ve never heard from any guy. Thank you so much :)

  • I just have to say that this article SAVED my relationship. Also, the first time seeing him after reading this, I deepthroated :D and he LOST HIS MIND. I’ve never heard such noises of pleasure come from a guy… Anyways, thank you so much. This really helped me. I think I completely won him over last night. (We did it for 6 hrs straight :O)

  • Thank you Jason! I already love giving blow jobs and have been told I’m good at it. You always have room for improvemnent, I can’t wait to take it to the next level starting tonight!


  • This is great Jason! Thanks. I got everything I needed to be confident giving oral sex from a book called Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – actually it totally changed my life. Yours was the first post I read since that book that made sense. And ladies, yes… you should learn to love it as your man does – oral is a very powerful part of your relationship.

  • i knew this was written by a man one paragraph in. this reeks of misogyny and is toxic to a girl’s psyche. this guy should take his own advice and blow himself.

    • I guarantee that you are a bitter, lonely and single woman. Its very easy to spot. You all have the same attitudes towards sex, relationships, and gender.

  • Most of the tips were very helpful. My hubby is amazing when he goes down on me so I want to make him happy too. There were a few things that aren’t necessarily true and a couple things I took a little offense at but overall helpful article.

  • The candid honest information was almost as good as the expression on my hubby’s face when he caught me reading it! It was priceless! Thanks!

  • Lol yes love this guide…its turning me on a bit actually reading this. Can’t wait to try some of these out! I think once you start viewing a blow job as something fun it actually becomes so much easier and you start to really get into it…

  • I scrolled through this because it’s basically preaching to the choir (me). Nothing feels more powerful to me as a woman and goddess than orally pleasing my man. Sound like a contradiction? It’s not. Too many women (and men) get wrapped up in the whole dominant/submissive thing and let it ruin the experience. As far as I’m concerned, there is ONLY submission. Even if I’m on my knees looking up at my man, he is still submitting to my caresses, ny skills and expertise, and his desire for me, to shoot a load down my throat or all ove ny face. I no longer see that as degrading, but as a reward for a job well done; a compliment and praise of said skills and expertise. There is no shame or degradation in wanting to share in your lover’s orgasm. My advice to any woman who feels shame, guilt, disgust or any negativity about giving a blowjob is to take a step back and think about these things. Don’t let anyone else define the terms of your sexuality and desire. There’s a marked difference between “having to submit” to a man because it’s your obligation or duty, or man’s privilege and serving someone because it gives you both pleasure. I fought with this myself in my life, but once I changed my thought process, I was able to see myself as a Blowjob Goddess and it’s been glorious.

  • “More blow jobs, more leverage!” – your article was going very well until this bit. It was honest and not pulling punches to keep angry feminists happy but then you dropped this old cliche clanger that falls right into the typical narrative of women control and manipulate men through sexual favours. Lame boy, lame.

    • Like it or not its the truth. If a man is completely and totally sexually satisfied by the woman and if that woman fulfills his sexual desires to the fullest, that woman has immense leverage and power in the relationship. The more the woman submits to her man in the bedroom, the more the man submits to his woman for everything else. Its not a bad thing at all. Its a completely rewarding relationship structure that benefits both. There is a reason that old saying is “Behind every great and successful man is a great and successful woman”. The moment a woman realizes that, she will propel both her life and the mans life forward in ways that are imaginable.

  • Dude I did all this already every tip on here and this was the highlight of my day to read it’s halariouse the way u put it but it’s true all u did was remind me that o still got it and I obviously didn’t know I was a pro already so I guess thank u for my confidence boost and keep writing this sh*t it’s soooooooooooo true and it really works

  • There are a few decent tips in here but the tone of the article is absolute bullshi*t. Men who cheat do it because they are cowards and assh*les, and you should NEVER feel the need to bribe a man with oral sex to stay in a relationship. Also, the whole “lady in the streets, ho in the sheets” attitude is disgustingly sexist. I don’t act like a lady, or a ho. And I’m just fine with that, thanks. Ladies, please take this article with a grain of salt. Some people – yes, both women AND men – just don’t enjoy oral sex, and the idea that you have to do it to “make your man stay” is ridiculous. I could’ve written a better article than this, without the offensive undertones.

  • Throughout this list this dude berates women for thinking oral sex is a bleeping tedious JOB like it’s his bleeping religion, all the while making it sound like a bleeping tedious JOB. FFS.

  • I’ve been in a relationship 7 yrs. Won’t let my bf but in my mouth but the guy I’m cheating with I always swallow his load. Why?

  • THIS TIPS ARE SO GREAT!!!! I used about all of them with the guy I’m seeing. he came and afterwards he said “That’s the first time I came to a bj” AND HES 26 heck yeah Im that awesome girl now

  • Ok some of these points are good and helpful but for god sake it’s just dripping with misogyny (pun intended). God, you just take objectification to a whole new level.

  • I agree with basically everything on this list, except for one thing! Ladies, listen up. SOME guys, (yes, some) actually enjoy gagging. I know my boyfriend does. Even if you may feel uncomfortable because of the noise or afraid to puke, it just shows him that you’re willing to go crazy lengths to bring him pleasure. Plus when your throat contracts like that, it feels good around their c*ck. If he’s fingering me and I’m s*cking him off, and I gag, he says he loves it because I contract around his fingers, as well as his c*ck. Just keep that in mind. :)

  • I have an amazing boyfriend who’s always treated me a like a princess, over a year I have given him a good amount of blowjobs but not frequently because its not something he ever cared for. The first time I ever gave him one he said he never gets off just by blow jobs. Got him off in like 5 minutes, so I obviously I’m not horrible at it. He’d rather go down on me and it gives him more pleasure for some reason I don’t even understand. So for one, no not every woman needs to master this to please her man because its all about preference. Ask him what he likes.
    #50 made my mouth drop open when I read it. My boyfriends favorite scent of mine is my raspberry vanilla body butter and I wore that when I gave him that first blowjob. Could be a coincidence (it was the beginning of our relationship) but that is crazy, he goes wild over the scent.

    I disagree with: the whole watch p*rn to learn, p*rn isn’t real sex. It actually damages the brains of people who watch it regularly and makes sex in real like harder. Studies have proven this and my boyfriend since not watching p*rn is much better in bed! You seriously can tell a difference. It damages girls too, you will need it to get as wet like men who will struggle with early ED from toughening your pleasure sensors in your brain.
    Also, I am a woman who does not want semen in/around my mouth. Especially swallowing it, if your man loves you unless swallowing is a big fetish of his then hes not gonna give a f*ck if you like to swallow or spit, he will not watch p*rn and wish he had that. Men do not compare women like you’re setting it out as, and that one thing I have learned from many men.

  • I’m probably the only girl I know that will willingly give a blowjob and enjoy doing so and I’d like to think I’m fairly good at it because I have had a decent amount of practice, not to mention looking up ways to make it better and more pleasurable. Some of the tips you put on here are pretty decent and I will definitely try them, but you sure as hell could have gone about the whole article a lot better, like not being a superficial d*ck for that matter.

  • Took a lot of the advice here and gave my hubby quite the show & bj yesterday. He is still talking about it today – to me and anyone else who will listen – about how amazing it was! Thanks for the tips!

  • It really bothers me how many people are getting offended AFTER the disclaimer thing at the top. He literally warned you. Wtf?

  • I was a bit disappointed to read thru this whole article and not really learn anything new. I am bi, so I enjoy giving head, my man says I am the best he has ever had. Maybe the best tip is the one about taking your time, I love to hear him beg me for more. Ladies take it from me, put on your sexy thong and treat him like a king

  • As a guy, most of this post makes you sound like an idiot. I don’t know any grown ass men that actually think this way in relationships. Maybe with random girls we hook up with, but holy f**k. Wow.

  • actually i want to give my man a blojwjob but im just to shy to do that mostly he is the one who will start everything and he tried his best to pleasure me so i want to return the favor but im so shyyyyyyy :'(

  • You mentioned moaning, which is fantastic — but you did not mention, that I saw, how amazing it is if she is noisy, with sucking noises. Part of that is the overall eager to please thing and lets your man know you are very focused on pleasing him.

    You did say how you finish is a big deal, but did you meaning KEEP SUCKING and doing whatever you were doing,.You were in a certain “grove” and making certain noises — holy moses, keep doing exactly that all the way thru the orgasm. And gradually ease up only after you think his orgasm is over — actually the orgasm continues for me about another 30 seconds after the fountain of fools stops. I found a lover that just does that naturally, and I can’t get enough of my lover, cant wait to see her, be with her, because she really sucks, in a good way. Real suction, like she is trying to pull it out by pure suction.

    Her hands explore me too, she touches me everywhere, my nipples, my you nkow, everyplace.

  • This article is hot. I hope men realize they aren’ t the only ones who can and will cheat if unsatisfied, if he dosen’ t go down or is a 2 minute man she will go elsewhere. I’ m sorry but no spitting on his C*ck is gross and never will be sexy every guy I talk to thinks that’ s gross. Long story short talk to each other about you wants communication is key .

  • As a gay guy all I can say is lmao wtf??? This guide reads like it was written by a 70 year old man wearing a fedora.

    Bad advices + a condescending and sexist tone = no bueno

    Girls, all you have to do is practice, practice, practice! Not every guy is worth it, not every penis is worth it.

    • Sometimes us women just do not realize that giving him a BJ is a very important part of the relationship. I have always strived to be as good as possible in this department. I am 53 and married for over 30 years, I learned long ago to be a woman, not a dead fish !

  • Written by a guy who obviously looooovvveeesss blowjobs. More than he could love any woman, I dare say. ?

  • I appreciate the advice in this article. I use most of it already. I am very experienced at giving blowjobs.

  • Wonder how many women have left him for a boyfriend who loves them regardless of how much head he’s getting. He sounds really bitter, but it’s deserved with how he treats women as superficial objects who only exist to get him off. There’s wonderful guys out there who don’t need to write degrading articles about blow jobs to feel good about themselves. Someone’s overcompensating here, it so obvious Jason. Putting down women because you feel like a failure won’t make it better. Get professional help.

  • … wow, this article is actually pretty disgusting for a large variety of reasons. i acknowledge that i’m probably a bit biased due to not being submissive, but there’s a lot of creepy and frankly sexist stuff here. ultimately i feel i’m better off looking for advice on pleasuring my boyfriend elsewhere. i also think that the vast majority of women are better off looking elsewhere.

  • A few years back I had a couple of dates with my buddies Aunt who was about 12 years older. At 47 years old she looked as good as any 19 year old! This woman was the very best BJ I ever had and she was a total expert ! After getting me very aroused, she place a tight elastic ring at the base to keep me from having an orgasm before she wanted. Never had that before ! She worked my jewels over until I almost screamed all the while taking all of it. Soon, she removed the band and allowed me to cum. This pretty woman knew all the tricks ! She should train girls how to handle guys. I fell in love the first night but after a couple of dates she moved on. Men do not forget a woman like her !! Charles

  • So many good points to which I agree with pretty much all except… the teeth! I’ve always thought “keep the teeth outta it” Until my husband… I grazed him with my teeth gently (but not) and as it would turn out he enjoyed throughly and who actually requested that I do it more often! Idk if it’s just a “him” thing or what but it works! Obviously dont bite off a chunk lol but using your teeth gently especially on the outer side of erection to the left or right of center (sunday night sex with Sue reruns reminded me of this extra sensitive spot that even “he” was unaware of.. such a good call in tv show and radio show as well) I guess my point is there are many things we are still unaware of in the human body so sometimes trial and error r the best ways to find those amaz-balls feelings because no two people with experience identical sensations n emotions so try some stuff… Ask your partner what he likes and wants to try. I you are not comfortable talking about this subject with your partner then that’s your #1 problem! And some incentive to talk… I’ve never been as open and willing with anyone as I am with “him” and the sex has NEVER been better! And as most ladies know orgasims are not as easily acquired for woman as they are for men so we can use all the help we can get.. That’s what article you need to write … the truth about woman and orgasims and most men’s lack of creating a REAL one for their partner! And a woman’s need to FAKE orgasims to make her partner feel good at sex! lol

  • Most, if not all, circumcised men don’t have a frenulum. It is cut off along with the foreskin during genital mutilation.