Quiz: Do You Care Too Much About What Men Think Of You?

Many women don’t know that they care too much about what men think of them. Read on to learn more about this and take a quiz to see if you care too much.

Do you find that you care too much about what others think of you? Or, do you care too much about what your boyfriend, crush, or just men in general think of you?

Take a minute, reflect on this, and think of the answer. The honest answer. As hard as the answer may be for you, that’s okay. It is a natural element to care “too much”, and it occurs often for various reasons.

However, if you aren’t too sure of this, then take YouQueens quiz to find out if you care too much about what men think about you.

Why do women care too much?

Woman working on a computer at a cafe while gazing through the window glass

The answer to this is technically endless as every woman is unique and different. Though, despite us all being different, we also have a lot of similarities. Tending to care too much about what men think of us, is one of those similarities that many women go through.

We also face its side effect. This being, the need to then change, to match and correspond with the caring too much part.

We all have different origin stories and life experiences which have helped mold us into who we are now. However, things that do make women want to change themselves because they do care about what men think of them too much are media, people, society, and themselves.

Media tends to show how women should act and look like, what men want, and how women are supposed to change or care about what men think.

Additionally, people and society then add to this through conversations, and differences in behavior to certain women who do and do not care, and to those who do and do not change.

Lastly, we do it to ourselves by following society and the media, by getting lost in our heads about it, and by also listening to our insecurities for ourselves, or emotions for a man.

How to take the quiz

On a sheet of paper make note of your results. The higher the number that is correlated with your answer, the more you care about what men think of you.

Remember, it is okay to be honest about this even though it may be deemed as an answer you don’t want to see. Just be honest, and see what happens.

The quiz

Comic portrait of man and woman making mustache from hair

1) Do you pretend to be someone else for him?

  • Yes, I have to be someone else (5 points)
  • Very often, to be his match (4 points)
  • Sometimes…it depends if I need to change for him (3 points)
  • Very rarely, only for things that are his deal breaker so it is too important for me to not change (2 points)
  • Almost never, just maybe once or twice to make the relationship flow better (1 point)
  • Never, I am my own person (0 points)

2) Do you change your values for him?

  • Yes, always (5 points)
  • Very often, it allows for us to have an easier relationship with fewer bumps (4 points)
  • Sometimes, it depends on if it is necessary to be with him (3 points)
  • Very rarely, only for crucial things for him (2 points)
  • Almost never, just maybe once or twice for simplicity for us (1 point)
  • Never (0 points)

3) Do you dress in clothes he loves, but you hate?

  • Yes, always. It makes him happy and more attracted to me (5 points)
  • Very often, it appeases his desires (4 points)
  • Sometimes…it depends on my mood, but I try to because he enjoys it (3 points)
  • Very rarely, only for occasions where I know it means a lot to him (2 points)
  • Almost never, just maybe once or twice to make him happy (1 point)
  • Never, I like my style and comfy clothes (0 points)

4) Do you laugh at his jokes even if they aren’t funny?

  • Yes, always it boosts his ego and makes him want me around (5 points)
  • Very often, so he feels we have things in common (4 points)
  • Sometimes…it depends on how bad it really is, the less bad ones get a laugh (3 points)
  • Very rarely, sometimes I do it just because I know it makes him happy (2 points)
  • Almost never, just maybe once or twice to make us have a common interest (1 point)
  • Never (0 points)

5) Do you change your appearance (hair…removal, growth, color etc., makeup, shape, etc.) to become more like his type?

  • Yes, always. It makes him happy and more attracted to me (5 points)
  • Very often, it appeases his desires (4 points)
  • Sometimes…it depends on my mood, but I try to because he enjoys it (3 points)
  • Very rarely, only for occasions where I know it means a lot to him (2 points)
  • Almost never, just maybe once or twice to make him happy (1 point)
  • Never, I stay me (0 points)

6) Have you researched everything there is to know about his favorite sports teams, movies, hobbies, etc. and then been able to carry perfect conversations with him about it, despite having no interest or no knowledge prior to your research?

  • Of course, I had to show we had common interest and impress him to keep him by knowing everything (5 points)
  • I knew majority of the information I needed to show him we were similar, but different (4 points)
  • I knew some stuff, but I played dumb to not be so obvious (3 points)
  • I did, but that was just to become closer and more part of his world (1 point)
  • No, I just ask questions to connect and am honest about it (0 points)

7) Do you bend over backward to please/impress him?

  • All the time (5 points)
  • Very often (4 points)
  • Sometimes, depends on the circumstances (3 points)
  • Very rarely (2 points)
  • Almost never, once or twice (1 point)
  • Never (0 points)

The results

Goofy office employees are playing with colorful paper balls in their office

0-7 You don’t care at all about what your man (or anyone) thinks of you, which is very rare to find in women.

8-15 Like every other normal woman, you care about his opinion but not that it affects you or your life.

16-23 You have the tendency to overly value his opinion which then makes you feel bad about yourself. Stop before it’s too late

24-35 The only thing that matters to you is your boyfriend’s opinion. Be careful because you might lose him because of that, and, more importantly, you might completely lose your self-respect.

No matter what your score is, just know it is part of who you are and you should embrace that, change it if you want, or be happy with it. It is completely up to you.

Even if your score is high, it isn’t a bad thing necessarily, just remember to not care too much to the point where you’ll lose who you truly are.

For some, though, you may want to change how much you care about what men think of you, and that is good. Especially, if your score was high. If it was high, that means you aren’t true to yourself and you try too hard and care too much about what men think of you.

A challenge

Even if your score is high, it isn’t a bad thing necessarily, just remember to not care too much to the point where you’ll lose who you truly are.

Some of you may want to change how much you care about what men think of you. Especially, if your score was high (no judgment at all, sadly many women care about what men think and they change themselves accordingly).

If it was high, that means you aren’t true to yourself and you try too hard and care too much about what men think of you. So just remember you are an amazing person so be yourself, and you will find the right man.

Now for the challenge, for those women who do want to change their score.

It’s a new year, so if your score did bother you, then make a resolution to not care so much about what men think of you. Instead, be yourself and not worry about that.

The right man will come along and you won’t have to worry and care about what he thinks about you. You also won’t have to change because you, will be you, and that is amazing.

How to stop caring

Become confident in who you are, love your self, embrace your self, and stop changing for men and worrying about what they think. If he is Mr. Right, he will love you for the unique, outstanding woman you are.

No matter what score you got, remember to love yourself as there is no reason not to. Remember to also stay true to your self and to not care too much about what men think of you.

If you do, you will find that you will not only lose yourself, but that you will also become tired, bored, sad, angry, or will just miss out on parts of your life because you do care and inadvertently change too much.

If you can think of any more advice about how to stop caring too much about what men think of you, or some signs of caring too much about what men think of you, then feel free to share below!

About the author

Christian Harris

Dreamer, and then a liver of dreams. I love music, exploring, and living life to the fullest. I'm interested in fashion, makeup, life, exercise and so much more.

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