
Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Dry hair can be really annoying. It looks bad, you can’t style it and dry scalp itches. The final result is dandruff, hair that looks and feels like straw and...


Dream Meanings: Wedding

I believe that every girl has at least once dreamt about her wedding. And I don’t mean fantasized about it, I mean had an actual dream of it. You might have...


5 Coolest Locations for Body Piercing

Body piercing is not so marginal any more. A lot of people have it, and all of them wear it with pride. If you would like to get yourself a body piercing, here...


Top 15 Best Tattoo Designs for Women

Ladies with ink are not such a rare sight any more. Every year there is more of us with tattoos. Are you looking for a perfect design for you? Choose one of...