Skin Care

Food for Glowing Skin

Although cosmetic treatments and expensive products can seem to improve the quality of your skin, it's your daily way of taking care of your skin, the reason...


5 Fun Cocktails to Make

Girls like cocktails, we all know that. But did you know that making them can be as much fun as drinking them? Honestly, once you’ve tried making your own...


4 Great Salad Ideas for Lunch

Girls are always trying to eat light. We all want great bodies and good health, so we try to eat as healthy as possible, especially when summer is coming. On...


Top 5 Benefits of Sauna

It’s no surprise that humans have used sweat baths for hygienic and health purposes since the Stone Age. The reason why this method maintained popular in spite...


4 Tips on How to Walk in High Heels

Most women have that one perfect pair of high heel shoes in their closet. Unfortunately, many of those women’s catwalks are everything but perfect. Don't...


How to Do Yoga Nidra at Home

Yoga nidra ("yoga rest" or "yoga sleep") is a relaxation technique that has become very popular in last few years. It is used as a way of reducing stress, can...