6 Easy Steps Towards Being Interesting to a Business Man

You really like that guy in a suit and a tie? Well, let me tell you, some of them are not very easy to get. Businessmen are a different type of people, and if you want to be interesting to one of them, here’s what you need to know.

Let me tell you right away that these steps should be only taken as a guide, not as rules. We are all different and what works for one guy doesn’t have to work for another. In any case, read and apply these steps. Maybe they’ll work like a charm on the guy you like.

#1 Show that You’re Smart

Businessmen are usually chased by a bunch of bimbos. If you want to stand out from the crowd, and be the one that is interesting, don’t be a bimbo. Show that you’re more than just a pretty face.

You may think that this is ridiculous because bimbos do have success with businessmen, but let me tell you something – that’s a short term success. If you’re looking for a one night stand, fine, but if you’re looking for something more than that – that guy needs to know that you’re a smart girl. So, talk to him. Don’t be shy. Show him that you got both looks, and brains.

#2 Don’t be a Gold Digger

Another sort of women businessmen are always surrounded by, are gold diggers. Unlike bimbos, gold diggers usually do not have any rate of success with businessmen. Of course, if you count sex with an old, rich dude for his money to be a success.

Businessmen usually make a lot of money, but they also work very hard for it. For that reason exactly, they are not very fond of women who are only after their money. DO NOT EVER ask a businessman how much money he makes. That will instantly put him off.

#3 Be Independent

blonde girl with sunglasses talking on a cell phone

If you want to be interesting to a businessman, he needs to see that you’re an independent woman. Making your own money is a huge plus; living with your parents is a huge minus. If you’re still studying, don’t forget to mention your plans for the future that include you becoming an independent woman.

Ask the guy if you could buy him a drink instead of him buying it for you. That’s something he’ll find both cute and brave. However, don’t push it if he doesn’t agree. Businessmen could sometimes be intimidated by strong, independent women, so make sure that you don’t appear pushy.

#4 Be Modest

There’s another thing guys generally don’t like. No matter if the one you like is a businessman or not, he will not appreciate exaggeration of any kind. So, stay modest – in everything you do.

If the guy has already asked you out, dress casually with attention to details. Just because he’s wearing a suit and a tie to work, doesn’t mean that you should appear on the date wearing business clothes, or a striking red dress. A nice pair of pants, or a casual skirt, a cute top and some ballet shoes will do just fine. Discrete makeup and interesting, but also discrete, jewelry are a winning combination.

Don’t order the most expensive drink, or the most expensive food in the restaurant. Offer to split the bill, guys appreciate this, but again don’t be pushy. Guys actually like when a girl offers to split the bill, but they also like not to accept it.

#5 Don’t Talk about Work

stylish young couple smiling

There’s one thing most businessmen are fed up with, and that is their work. This is a topic to avoid, especially on a first date.

He might feel questioned if you start asking too much about his work. You can of course ask a question or two – what does he do and does he enjoy it – but that’s pretty much it. Also, avoid talking a lot about your work, as well. Even if he asks, offer the answers, but don’t spend insane amount of time talking about your work, no matter how much you love it.

#6 Don’t Give in Easily

Because of the aforementioned fact that businessmen are usually surrounded by bimbos and gold diggers, most of them are also used to those same women being very easy. You don’t want to be one of those.

You may really like that guy, and that is completely ok. It is even ok to tell him that. But don’t let him think that you’re ready to jump into bed with him, as soon as he winks his eye. Keep some mystery and a certain level of reservation. That way, he’ll want to know more about you, and he’ll want to see you again.

That’s it. That’s all you need to know about how to be interesting to a businessman. So, if you really like him – go and get him.

About the author


I’m a free spirit who likes to travel, cook and fly. Licensed paraglider pilot, I spend all my spare time flying. In the meantime, I like to share my recipes and travel experiences.

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