You may not have been the first and you definitely won’t be the last, but admitting that you cheated on your boyfriend is the first step to healing your...
We hear about many people experiencing domestic violence, but what do you do when it’s you. Read on to find out how to make an exit plan and get out safely.
Nothing is more frustrating than a man who likes you but won’t commit to you. Not only does his behavior contradict his words, but you’re not clear on what he...
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but you might not feel that way when your body starts to change. Feeling sexy while pregnant might seem difficult, but...
Make good use of his ‘morning glory’ and try out these morning sex positions before breakfast for a terrific start to the day! Did you know that your man...
You must have heard millions of times, how you need to lower the sugar in your diet if you want to lose weight. Are you ready to be introduced to a new diet...
Most guys are visually turned on during sex, but women can enjoy a similar sense of visual arousal by watching themselves and a partner have sex in the...
Success of the grapefruit diet has been over exaggerated. If you have a lot of weight to lose, this is not the diet for you. This diet has some long term...
Too shy to go up and talk to a guy? Don’t worry. Use these 8 eye contact flirting tips and get the guy you like to approach you without saying a word.
How to lose leg fat fast has always been the most frequent question among women. Unfortunately, not all of us have “model legs” and sometimes it can be a real...
Do you have an awful sneaking suspicion that your new lover already has a girlfriend who he is not telling you about? Here are our top clues to tell if he has...
How do you know if a guy is really into you? Use these ways to get a guy to chase you and if he responds you’ll know! Sometimes figuring out whether or not a...
His penis is too small? Here's what to do if your guy is lacking in the penis department.
Are you dating a Libra man? Are his romantic ways boggling your mind and making you question whether or not you should get kinky with him? It’s okay, here are...
You like the guy, but you're not sure if he's worth your attention. It may be time to move on to greener pastures, so sooner better than later, find out if...