Yes, it sucks, but just because a guy treats you a certain way doesn’t mean that he likes you. Here are 10 things that don’t necessarily mean he likes you.
It can be tough to tell if the guy you’re crushing on actually likes you as more than a friend. Unfortunately, sometimes you’re just not on the same page.
Is you anniversary approaching? Do you have some ideas what to buy for your special man? If you have no clue, here're some unique anniversary gifts for him.
As a woman, chances are you pick up on the slightest changes in your relationship. Most of us, anyway. Identifying when your man is ready to take the big step...
Creating the perfect reply texts when you want to get your ex back can be extremely difficult. This is why we gathered all the scenarios to be prepared for!
Do you have a feeling that you've been in a relationship for too long? Do you feel like you've forgotten who you really are? Do our quiz and find out the truth!
Most women are naturally attracted to the hot, sexy, tall guys that look like models. But, nerdy guys can be sexy too! Check out why dating a nerd is awesome!
Self-awareness is one of the main ingredients for a loving, meaningful relationship. Learn how to be more self-aware and start enjoying your relationship.
Dating your best friend surely has its perks. But as with anything, it also has its drawbacks. Read on to find out whether you should date your guy BFF or not.
It's not easy to stop thinking of someone you've given your heart to but hey, it's not impossible either. Read on to learn how to stop thinking about him.
Between lessons and exams, flirting at school can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered. Here's how to flirt at school and make your crush finally notice you.
Finding love is definitely not easy, but sometimes it’s all about your attitude. Use these positive affirmations for finding love and transform your life.
Have you still not experienced your first real relationship? It is true that dating can be quite tiresome, but here’s why you shouldn’t lose hope just yet.
Men really like to snoop around your Instagram and they come to many conclusions while looking at your pics. Our male contributor reveals the harsh truth!
It’s common to feel disappointed in a relationship, especially when you set high expectations. Here's how to pick yourself up after a breakup and move on.