If you are looking for a boyfriend, then you really have to get some advice from the opposite sex. This article written by a man will tell you exactly what to...
Author - David Paulson
I’m a Florida native who can’t help but get myself into romantic trouble everywhere I look. During football season, I allow my weekends to be consumed with sports. During the long months in between, I focus most of my energy on trying to find the perfect match. So I’m here to share some of my knowledge with you, because I know deep down you’re just like me.
Have you ever wondered what a guy will think of you after you sleep with him? If so, then you have to read this article about what men think after having sex.
If you’ve got a big date coming up, then you need to know what to avoid saying or doing to make sure you don’t scare them away. Check out this guide to find...
If you’ve having trouble learning how to handle a breakup that you've gone through recently, don’t despair. Here's how to to get back on your feet.
Ever wondered how guys deal with breakups? This article will walk you through how most guys behave after the end of a relationship and why.
Does your boyfriend stare at other girls in public? If you wonder why he does that, read on for the real answer to why do men look at other women?
If you've been plagued with frequent arguments, then you really need to learn how to stop fighting in a relationship. Here are some extremely helpful tips.
Are you currently going through a breakup? Want to figure out how to get your ex back? There’s only one way to do that. Read on to find out how to do it!
There are certain things about girls that guys find just too cute to bear. Of all the cute stuff girls do, here are the most adorable things guys always notice...
Do you ever wonder what conversations guys worry about the most? In this tell-all article, our male contributor will reveal you 4 conversations that any guy...
Like women, men have plenty of insecurities. Whether they show it or not, here are some of the most common insecurities men have that you may or may not know...
It’s not easy coming up with the perfect gift for your boyfriend. In case you could use some help, here are some great pointers from our male contributor.
Do you ever wonder what things guys notice the first time they meet you? This article written by our male contributor will tell you exactly what men notice...
Are you trying to figure out if he’s a commitment-phobe or not? Is he serious with you or just want to have fun? Here’s what to look for!
Everyone has their secrets and men are no different. They are just a bit better in hiding them. These are the things that your man will never tell you.