You are thinking of losing weight and getting ready for the bikini season. Have you considered jogging? Read this article to find out what the benefits of...
Author - Helen
Helen is enjoying life in the Philippines, jogging early every morning on the beach with her beautiful black labrador, Lawrence, and then spending the rest of her day in a lovely local coffee shop working from her MacBook as a remote PA.
It is only natural to want to scream when you turn 35 or find your first gray hair. Unlike men, women rarely look better with age. Healthy living habits anyone...
Have you ever got a job interview and then hoped for the best? There is a way you can find out exactly what the company is about, and is your potential boss...
Have you ever felt the urge to lay your head on the office desk and take a nap? One reason for this can be that you are eating the wrong food. See here which...
You can’t talk before your morning coffee? Does your IQ jump a couple of points after a cup of your favorite brand? You may be addicted to coffee. This is not...
How many times have you wasted hours of your free time on something that is not productive? Sitting in front of TV is not the best way to relax. Here are some...
Do people tend to overlook what you say or do? If you feel unnoticed and not successful enough it is time to rebuild yourself and create a powerful identity...
Low self-esteem can make the quality of your life drop significantly. It affects every aspect of your life: social, love and professional life. Find out how to...
You want to turn your living room into the oasis of positive energy and style. You want it to have your personal stamp and to appeal to general standards of...
You wish your day had at least 48 hous. No matter how good you are at planning you barely find the time to do your chores. This means that your life is too...