Author - Sarah

I’m a free spirit who likes to travel, cook and fly. Licensed paraglider pilot, I spend all my spare time flying. In the meantime, I like to share my recipes and travel experiences.


7 Fabulous Travel Products for Women

It is not always easy to travel, especially for us girls. I know that guys always say that we are too complicated, but we are the only ones who really know how...


6 Wedding Vows Ideas and Examples

Ok, we all know that writing your own wedding vows is the best solution. But still, not all of us do so well with our words. You know the feeling when you know...


Short Hippie Hairstyles

Hippie hairstyles have been gaining their popularity in the last couple of years. They are cute and fun, they usually don’t take much of your time and they...


3 Fantastic Apple Cleansing Diet Plans

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We all know it. Apples are really healthy and have a lot of benefits for our bodies. Lately they have been most popular...


Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Dry hair can be really annoying. It looks bad, you can’t style it and dry scalp itches. The final result is dandruff, hair that looks and feels like straw and...


Dream Meanings: Wedding

I believe that every girl has at least once dreamt about her wedding. And I don’t mean fantasized about it, I mean had an actual dream of it. You might have...