Men are unpredictable creatures. But, if you learn how to make a guy fall in love with you like crazy, you'll be able to make any guy chase you...
How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You: 10 Proven Tips to Win His Heart

Men are unpredictable creatures. But, if you learn how to make a guy fall in love with you like crazy, you'll be able to make any guy chase you...
Why do men like curvy women and are not impressed by skinny models that we see as perfect? It’s no secret that many men prefer a woman with a few...
Not sure if a guy likes you or not? Are you getting mixed signals that are tormenting you? Here are definite signs he is not into you as much as you...
What men want? Learn how to attract the guy you like with YouQueen’s expert dating advice. Get a guy to fall in love with you.
Tired of waiting for him to make the move? Don’t worry! We’ve got 10 great ways to spark interest and speed up the process for you! Here is how to get a guy to...
It only takes a split second for your brain to read a person’s body language, so it should be easy to read the body language of men in love if you pay close...
Men are sometimes so confident and sure of themselves, and at other times…you need to know how to boost his ego. Here is how to do it to keep your fella happy...
Making him talk is easy, but making him say what you really want to know about him isn't. Here are some questions you should ask to get to know him better.
Flirting with guys isn’t as hard as you may think! These 10 tactics will help you learn how to hit on a guy and get the attention you are seeking from him. For...
Learning how to tell if a guy is an introvert is very important for your love life. If he has the personality traits of an introvert it will affect your...
Follow these tips to boost your confidence and sexuality. Here is how to turn him on in a less than a few seconds. Why would a woman need know how to turn on a...
He didn’t text me back! Why? Wondering why he didn’t text you back after a date, or is he he just ignoring you all day? Here’s why. Are you...
Are you having no luck in getting his attention? If he's hard to read, maybe he put you in the friend zone. Here are 10 friend zone signs to watch out for.
Do you feel like you’re losing your touch? Has all the sexy left you? Are you trying to light that spark back into your relationship? Here’s how to be sexy for...
Not sure if you are dating a narcissist? Is your new guy charming to the point that he seems more into himself than you? Here’re the signs to look out for...
Men can be very mysterious about liking a woman, to the point of you questioning if he is flirting with you or not! Here’s how to tell… Why do men flirt in...
It often happens that men and women talk on the phone for hours, but in most cases they are long time friends. However, if you have met someone just recently...
The art of recognizing a player is a complex one, especially since the better the player the harder it is to spot him and call him out on it. Is he being real...