How to Curate the Perfect Capsule Wardrobe

Curate the perfect capsule wardrobe by cutting your closet down and enjoying the advantages that this wardrobe and its “less is more” philosophy offer!

Boys love sports; girls love shopping—that’s how the universe works! There’s nothing like running from one store to another with full bags of shoes, clothes and your favorite beauty products. But, let’s be honest: we know that we sometimes overdo it.

We never stop buying: our closets are full and we still have nothing to wear. How many times have you bought something because you couldn’t resist a sale or just because you liked how it looked on someone else, not to mention all the clothes bought “just in case”? The biggest part of these types of purchases is that many of the items have never been worn and some of them even still have their tags.

It’s time to make a change and that change has a name: capsule wardrobe!

A capsule wardrobe is a mini wardrobe of 12 to 40 essential items that are classic as well as versatile. By mixing and matching them, you can create a wide range of different outfits.

At first, it may sound insane to consider having as few as 12 items of clothing, but don’t let this part scare you. If you are really ready to make a change, and to test yourself, this will be a great journey for you.

Beside this scary number, everything else about this “wardrobe regime” is just fantastic.

Your closet will finally be clean and your clothes visible without unnecessary mess and clothes that just sit and collect dust. Buying only things you need will help you to find or develop your own style and encourage you to be creative. In the end, it will save you time and money and you will feel relieved and less stressed!

Establishing a Capsule Wardrobe

The key to success is careful planning.

You have to make your selection based on your lifestyle, job and habits. To make this selection easier, make two lists. On the first, write down all the events and special occasions you attend in a week; on the second, write down the clothes you need for these occasions. This way, you will get a clear picture of what items you need in your wardrobe. Try to be as selective as possible.

When choosing the items, always keep in mind your figure. Every item in your wardrobe should be perfectly tailored to fit your body type. That means that all non-flattering clothes should be removed.

Always choose quality over quantity. Having a small wardrobe means having classic pieces that you can wear for a lifetime. Make sure that they are made of high-quality fabrics that will last for years. This is an investment that you will never regret making.

The key characteristic of this mini wardrobe is that it consists of versatile pieces in coordinating colors. Items that can be mixed and matched easily and worn with multiple outfits. This is where your creativity comes into play.

After you have decided what you want and need, take a good look at your existing wardrobe.

Clean it out and place clothes into piles. If you have items from the list in your wardrobe, put them in the “keep” pile.

Put items you don’t wear and want to get rid off in another pile and decide whether you want to sell or donate them.


Since capsule wardrobes are limited, you should have 4 capsules—one for each season. So, if you have clothes you want to wear, but they’re off season, store them in vacuum bags.

These bags are not only space savers but also protect your clothes from dust, insects and damage.

Maintaining a Capsule Wardrobe

Creating a capsule wardrobe can sound a bit like shopping rehab and it is in some ways, but we prefer to think of it as learning to shop smartly. You don’t have to give up your favorite activity. The point is to go to shopping less often and to buy only things you really need.

Before you buy anything, ask yourself: do you really need it? Does it look good on you? Does it suit your style? Does it work with other items in your wardrobe? Will you wear it for more than one season? Anything you decide to buy should be a good quality and cut as well as easy to pair with what you already have in your closet.

You can still follow trends if that’s what you like, but try not to go overboard. Avoid the trap of an overflowing wardrobe by finding a balance between classic and seasonal. You should choose only the trends that suit your style and that are long lasting one. This way, you will ensure you’ll wear the item in the future.

Every time you buy something new, you should say so long to one of your old items. This way, you will only refresh your wardrobe instead of just adding to it with unnecessary items. Refreshing your wardrobe with new and trendy items, from time to time, will help you stay inspired and will bring a new dynamic into your wardrobe.

What do you think about capsule wardrobes? Would you give it a chance? Tell us your opinion in the comments below.

About the author


Creative dreamer from Belgrade, but Italian at heart, with a degree in fashion design. She is a passionate lover of clothes, especially shoes and bags. Addicted to yoga and clean eating. The founder/author of the fashion (inspiration) blog fashiondreamsbyd.

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