Textiles in Interiors: Graceful Ambiance Creators

Functionally and esthetically, textiles hold a large part of our interior space and play a significant role in our everyday activities. Here’s how to use textiles in interiors.

Starting with the feeling you get when lying in a bed with clean and fresh sheets to the sensation of a soft and warm rug under your feet on a cold winter morning. Fabrics may seem like an insignificant element and a minor part of the picture, but the truth is, the room never seems complete without the proper dose of decorative textiles.

Dose of decorative textiles

Textiles are the last piece of the puzzle when decorating; we use them to create the desired mood and to show off our personal taste and style preferences.

Textiles create a cozy atmosphere, and if they are coordinated in color, they make a natural and harmonized ambiance. There is no better way to personalize the space than by adding a bunch of soft and fluffy pillows, tender plaids and soft rugs in your home.

Thanks to their practical manner of usage, whenever we wish for a make-over, by replacing the textiles in interiors we can easily change their appearance.

Textile materials make the difference

In high-end interiors, good textile materials make all the difference – they underline the elegance and sophistication. High-quality fabrics and customized textile decorations are compulsory in luxury spaces and are a very large component of successfully designed interiors.

Tailored curtains, rugs and accessories have no alternative and can hardly be substituted by store-bought decorative elements. Customized textile interior design allows you to repeat colors and patterns in the space, and to create a visual identity, which would be impossible to achieve otherwise.

Natural textiles

Natural fabrics

Natural textiles with exceptional characteristics, like silk, will perfectly complement both traditional and contemporary high-end interiors with their unique and elegant appearance. The smooth surfaces of the fibrils reflect light at many angles, giving it a natural sheer effect.

Once very rare and expensive, this timeless material now comes in a broad range of choices from plain, checked, striped or Embroidered Dupioni, Shantung silk, rich jacquards, enriched with metallic or leather embellishment, etc.

Nothing makes the space more elegant than a luscious full-length silk curtain. This sophisticated, decorative element is an excellent addition to the living and dining area. With a matching rich chandelier and a large light tone rug, the impression is perfect.

When using silk as drapery, an interlining is a necessity in order to protect its gentle fibers from the sun. 100% natural silk can be recognized by irregularities on the surface that are desirable and expected, and give it a unique characteristic. The downside of silk is its delicacy; it should be carefully maintained and only dry cleaned.

Home design, Silk in interior

Linen is a refined and very trendy natural material that works best in modern and contemporary spaces. Its stiff and raw nature makes it difficult to maintain. Therefore, linen is often mixed with synthetic materials (PES) that results in a recognizable linen look but with a smoother texture.

Linen is a cool and airy fabric, perfect for roman blinds and panel curtains that enhance its natural beauty.

A new generation of materials

A new generation of materials

If the maintenance and delicacy of natural fabrics make you look further for a more suitable solution, you will find it in the new generation of materials.

Thanks to modern technology development, there are many synthetic materials that imitate natural fabrics both in texture and appearance, which makes it extremely difficult to tell the difference, even by touch. Maintaining is not an issue for these fabrics; they don’t need ironing and can be machine washed.

Elegant house interior design

One of such highly developed fabrics is Trevira cs, a synthetic material (PES) which is mainly used for curtains, upholstery, and other decorative textiles. It is very durable, easy to maintain and in accordance with global standard for flame resistance. It is almost entirely non-flammable and is therefore used primarily in public areas.

An elegant and gently woven design in lighter colors is suitable to block blinding lights and flashes, while the dark colors make excellent drapery that completely obscures the space. Certain textile materials may contribute to the spread of fire but Trevira CS remains intact.

Trevira CS is not surface-treated with non-flammable chemicals like most fabrics, but flame retardant properties are embedded in the molecular chain of fibers that cannot be removed or worn out.

Because of these characteristics and ease of maintenance, Trevira Cs is very convenient for use in private spaces.

Luxury curtains

Besides elegance and luxury, curtains have another important function; we use them to adjust the amount of daylight we let in the room, and they protect us from the outside views, giving us a sense of intimacy and privacy.

Rugs and carpets

The easiest way to warm up the space is by adding rugs and carpets. They can transform a large and vacant room into the coziest sanctuary. And they can be custom-made too.

By choosing a bespoke hand tufted rug, you are certain that you’ll have a unique design that fits perfectly in your space. You can decide colors, texture and the design of the rug, and coordinate it with the rest of the colors and patterns in the room. Custom made rugs are always made of high-quality 100% wool.

Decorative textiles in house

Decorative textiles have a huge impact on our subconscious caused by sensations; visually and tactfully, they form a sense of comfort and security, they make a home.

Decoration is really about creating a quality of life, and a beauty in that life that nourishes the soul, that makes life beautiful . That’s what all this is about, not just what’s in and what’s out. ~ Albert Hadley, The Story of America’s Preeminent Interior Design

About the author


Hi! My name is Petra, I am an interior designer and a happily married
mother of two. I love my job, every aspect of it. When I'm not occupied
with my work and kids, I do pilates.

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