Author - Trina

Just another hard working mom who loves her kid, loves to write, can’t cook, and has a thing for tentacles! When I’m not hanging out with my Spawn, I’m happily sharing my dating experiences and offering advice and trying to control the chaos that comes with being human.


10 Most Romantic Restaurants in NYC

Are you looking for a romantic place to eat tonight? Well, if you’re lucky enough to live in New York City (or just happen to be visiting this lively city)...


After a First Date: Call, Text or Wait

Did you have a great first date? Are you waiting by the phone wondering what to do next? I’m going to go over your options (and tell you the do’s and don’ts)...


10 Things Women Do That Push Men Away

Does it seem as if your guy is pulling away from you? Is he acting kind of shady and ignoring your calls or taking a long time to text you back? It’s possible...


10 Great Places You Can Go Alone

Are you bored sitting around the house watching TV? Are all of your friends busy working or too tired to go out? Don’t stay home alone and let life pass you by...