
Do you have a product tailored for women?

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Anna Kovach

Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after Relationship Astrologer and trusted advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. She has been working as a professional relationship astrologer since 2006, when the art and science of Astrology was passed down to her from her late aunt and cosmic mentor. She has been consulting clients privately ever since, interpreting their charts, and guiding them through the challenges and opportunities written in their stars.

She is a proud member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Astrological Association of Great Britain and the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

Her bestselling dating & relationship programs are published for all 12 signs of the male Zodiac, helping women understand, attract and keep that special man in their life.

Her popular 'Secrets' series is originally published and exclusively available through Anna’s websites, because she is determined to personally connected, to directly communicate and contribute to the lives of her clients, readers and fans.


Just another hard working mom who loves her kid, loves to write, can’t cook, and has a thing for tentacles! When I’m not hanging out with my Spawn, I’m happily sharing my dating experiences and offering advice and trying to control the chaos that comes with being human.

Christian Harris

Dreamer, and then a liver of dreams. I love music, exploring, and living life to the fullest. I'm interested in fashion, makeup, life, exercise and so much more.

Scarlett Robinson

I am inspired by the ways people interact. Human behaviour and emotions are wonderfully complex, and I want to dig deeper and understand more. This is why I explore intimate relationships in my writing. (I’m also ever so slightly kinky.)


I’m a free spirit who likes to travel, cook and fly. Licensed paraglider pilot, I spend all my spare time flying. In the meantime, I like to share my recipes and travel experiences.

Maine Belonio

Maine Belonio is a twenty-something mom and writer who has a penchant for coffee, long distance running, Tolkien, Switchfoot, and Jesus.


Jessica is a translator who has lived for many years in Asia and South America. She now lives and works in Europe, while preparing her new journeys. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cultures and foods, and being in love.

Aya Tsintziras

Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor. She loves coffee, barre classes, 90s television and pop culture. She is a food blogger at A Healthy Story and shares gluten-free, dairy-free recipes and personal stories.


I originated from a classic romance novel, grew up in a small coastal town, and decided to venture out into the world, which led me to discover a passion for putting words together in a way that enlightens the imagination. I believe in providing a little inspiration, an equal amount of laughter and a whole lot of gumption!


I like sarcasm, coffee, quotes and Audrey H. I hate clammy handshakes. Restless and violently happy most of the time. Sometimes i get the mean reds. "You see things and say - why? I see things and say - why not?"

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.


David Paulson

I’m a Florida native who can’t help but get myself into romantic trouble everywhere I look. During football season, I allow my weekends to be consumed with sports. During the long months in between, I focus most of my energy on trying to find the perfect match. So I’m here to share some of my knowledge with you, because I know deep down you’re just like me.

Maria Montgomery

Writer. Social Entrepreneur. Foster mommy (twins). Change maker. Foodie. Health freak. Nature lover. Creative nutcase. Blogger (Confessions of a Dizzy Blonde). A friend of mine once described me by saying “One minute she’s like the Dalai Lama, the next a dizzy blonde” and maybe that does sum me up…

Myranda Siegert

Hey, I'm Myranda. I'm an absolute hopeless romantic. I've always loved writing about subjects that will hit close to home, and make people really think more deeply about themselves. I show myself through my writing, as well as my photography.

Angie B.

Angie B. is an avid book reader and dabbler in all things creative. Words are her paramours and she lives to love. Her friends call her their personal therapist and she loves giving advice on relationships, style choices and everything in between.

Shannon Y.

Shannon is a contortionist and yoga teacher that loves to inspire people to lead empowered and healthy lives. She writes practical advice for health and gives real world insights to empower women emotionally.

Bella Pope

Just a small town gal fighting my way through this seemingly endless war called life. Writer. Reader. Guitar Player. Craft Enthusiast. Workout Junky. Wannabe Chef. My passion for helping others through words transcends any other aspect in my life.

Jouviane Alexandre

Chinese food connoisseur. Volleyball player. Fashion lover. British impersonator. Boy band fanatic. Hogwarts graduate. Fluent in Sarcasm. You'll find me sitting on a bench writing a novel or reading one.

Coralle Panrucker

Coralle is a freelance writer and blogger who talks about various topics from relationships, love, health and freelance writing. She's currently writing a book.

Cassandra Lane

While Cassandra readily admits to being a rampant cupcake aficionada (how could she not be with an almost-brother-in-law that owns not one, but three cupcake shops?) she happily works off her lust of all things sweet and sugary by slogging it out in the gym and outdoors.

Tina C.

Tina C. is a young “Jill of All Trades” who aspires to be a best-selling author someday. A well-educated, well-read, and well-traveled individual, Tina takes pride in all of her work and loves trying something new.

Lindsay Roseman

Lindsay is a nursing student (aka a walking zombie from no sleep) that has always had a knack for writing, and she also loves high fashion and beauty. She also has a big passion for cooking and loves coming up with a bunch of healthy recipes to share.


I am a devoted hedonist who enjoys nice things – food, wine, fine arts, spending time with friends and family. Teaching mandarin Chinese is my life vocation, but my dream is to open a small restaurant and a patisserie. My life's motto: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


Eleanor Goold

As well as being an avid reader, Eleanor is also a big time animal lover; especially of dogs. If you have a tail, four legs and you bark…. you’re in! In her spare time she enjoys swimming, and vegetable gardening… but not at the same time (it can get a bit messy).

Sarah Kester

Sarah is a writer, editor and aspiring author. Her writing has appeared in Elite Daily, YourTango, Fox News Magazine, The Richest, The Talko and Feather Magazine. She has a serious love for rom-coms, pink wine and "that's what she said" jokes.

Steve Theunissen

Steve Theunissen is a former gym owner and personal trainer who lives in New Zealand with his wife, Shelley, and two daughters. For the last decade, Steve has taught literacy to Middle School students. He also runs a fitness boot camp for pre-teens.

Tonya Jones Reynolds

A professional writer with years of experience, I like adding my personal spin on various topics. I worked in various marketplaces like Textbroker and Blogmutt.


I'm a lover of Fashion, Celebs and Marmite. I also have a passion for being healthy (minus the Marmite) and feeling good about myself. In return for changing your life with my awesome tips, be sure to like and comment on my articles!

Gwynneth Simmons

I'm a writer and entrepreneur, I love indie pop rock music, and the stars are my one true love. I like to think I can paint, but that's up to the viewer, I suppose. I love teaching children and hearing what their views are. I am a beginner ASL interpreter, and I hope I can always be able to work in the deaf community.


Jason runs a construction company, but he enjoys sharing his experiences with the opposite sex by writing about relationships in his spare time. He spends his weekends kite surfing and running on the beach.


Those who can’t do teach – same with me giving you love advice. I like jazz and the theatre, old movies that I watch while drinking wine, but most of all I like love and smiles.

Justine R

On an eternal quest for happiness, Justine tries to lead a positive lifestyle by giving back to the universe and following natural approaches to parenting, health, food and beauty. When she's not on the beach, she keeps herself fit (and sane) by running and doing yoga.

Michelle Keldgord

Michelle is just a Southern California girl with a passion for fashion and fitness, always looking for the latest trends and staying current with beauty and fashion (when I'm not hounding the gym or indulging on the sandy shores, of course!)

Rachel Glass


I am an old soul. A writer. Stargazer. A reader. I’m strong, independent, and completely in love with everything that has to do with writing. I believe that everyone should have the chance and opportunity to follow their dreams and create a life they love.


I am a psychologist, author and a journalist, currently in training for a Gestalt therapy degree. I am mostly interested in emotional relationships and the process of change in people endlessly fascinates me. When I’m not working, I enjoy movies, novels, travel and snowboarding.

Nicci Mende

I love to travel and learn style tips from other women around the globe. I like learning how to use natural oils and cosmetics made from local organic ingredients, like kohl and henna.

Minnie Bronwyn

I love spending time in the outdoors, riding motorbikes, reading good books and watching old movies. On the other hand I love cooking, clothing, fashion and fitness, therefore I spend hours researching and writing blogs, articles and more on these subjects.

Emily W

I’m a soon-to-be psychology graduate who’s trying to avoid adulthood at all costs. I spent a summer working and travelling around America, and came home to the UK with a serious case of wanderlust and a bagel addiction. When I’m not writing articles I can be found blogging, planning my next adventure, or reading delicious vegetarian recipes.


Lisa is a young lawyer with various interests and hobbies to keep her mind off her work at times. She is a true fan of contemporary American literature, European movies, Asian food, African Wildlife and all those little things in life that make us genuinely happy.

Alexandra Davis

Living in the heart of London, Alexandra is currently studying journalism at City University. Self-confessed lipstick addict, puppy lover, horse rider and designer handbag enthusiast, she enjoys writing for a range of fashion and beauty magazines.

Bethany Tyndall

Bethany Tyndall is an enthusiastic, full-figured, Aussie beauty blogger with a passion for budget buys, DIY beauty, nail art & wild makeup ideas. Her biggest goal is to help ladies all over the world feel beautiful and confident at any size!


Courtney is an astrologer and writer by night and an ophthalmic surgical assistant by day. She has a passion for astrology, the occult and has studied things of a more mystical nature since childhood. Having landed great gigs in all of these fields, she works to maintain a good balance between the 9-5 world and the wonder that comes with the night.

Stephanie Reed

Stephanie has written for many online and printed magazines and she is now working as the editor of So Vain, which she founded, but also as a fashion consultant and stylist.


I love people, what they say and how they show the world who they are. I love to write short stories, books, blogs and articles. I’m just as happy singing with the band in front of an audience or singing in the shower and I like to explore new things and discover new places.

Anna Fani

Anna is a writer, bookworm, avid traveller, chocoholic and fitness enthusiast who believes in happiness, following your dreams and making every day count. She is the founder of The Writer Entrepreneur, a self-empowerment website for women.

Jane Glover

Jane Glover is a 25 year old yummy mummy with a passion for writing and all things beauty related. A literature lover and fuchsia fanatic, Jane is happiest with a novel in one hand and a deliciously pink cocktail in the other.

Heather B

Heather is an avid traveller, lover of dogs, and baker supreme. She lives in a small town in Ontario, Canada where she raises German Shorthaired Pointers with her family. An explorer at heart, she travels whenever she can, wherever she can.

Dave Martinez

A father of five children from four different mothers, Dave is 44 years old and married. Of his five children, four are boys aged 15, 15, 12 and 8 while his first born and only daughter is 23 with a child of her own.

Collin Christine McShirley

She has a masters in clinical psychology, certified from the centre for dieting and eating disorders, and specializes in emotional eating, body image, mindful eating, and self-esteem. Visit her website to learn about her programs and specials.

Erin Webb

Erin is a California girl raised in the Mid-West. Married and owns a lazy pug named Rumpkin, she’s lover of books, fashion, photography, adventures and anything pop culture.


I love to read and follow up on social justice issues. In my spare time I like to sew and make jewelry while watching crime shows. I would have to say at heart I'm a free spirit with a sense of adventure.

Rachel G

Rachel is a health and fitness enthusiast with interests in world culture, psychology, and philosophy, she’s also a romantic with a passion for writing and for helping women live the best life possible.


Kimberly is a dreamer who knows when to wake up and take her life into her own hands. She knows what she wants and how to get it. Writing is her passion and she loves being in fashion.

Vanessa Osbourne

I’m a natural hair enthusiast, bibliophile and nature lover. I love my family, am devoted to my friends and loyal even to my favorite books which I read over and over and over. I’m passionate about hair care and helping women to love and embrace their natural hair.

Alice Alech

Alice Alech is a writer and author based in France. She is keen to promote good healthy living and writes on nutrition, wine, food, and lifestyle. She is a coauthor of the book 7 Wonders of Olive Oil.

Meena Azzollini

Meena is a creative soul who finds inspiration in travel, food and family. She is great with words and loves writing articles, content and copy. Besides that, she reads a lot, loves coffee and can be immensely amused by anything funny.


Victoria loves life, people and travel and writes for YouQueen’s Love and Sex sections. She loves to laugh, dance and cook and has a penchant for dessert. Her life is hectic and often a little crazy but this is her driving force.


Andrea is enjoying life in France, learning the language and culture. Her passions are writing, photography, art, jazz and everything on the web. She's hoping to start her own business encompassing all of her interests.


I am addicted to fashion magazines, shoes and shopping for cosmetics. Writing and traveling are my true passions, and my dream is to travel the whole world, for I believe that "to travel is to live". (H. C. Andersen)


Hello, my name is Rahab… well, not really, but it might as well be. If you were to see me on the street, I would look like your everyday, run of the mill, modern day “Woman Run Ragged”.


Tony is a strength and conditioning coach, whose passion truly is anything fitness or sport oriented. When away from the gym or the fields, he's a home body who loves spending time with his dog Norbert.

Nancy K.

When I’m not busy writing my next travel article, you can find me showing America to exchange students, hiking, cycling or planning my next vacation. My favorite destination is anywhere I haven’t been yet! You can follow or, better yet, talk to me on Twitter and G+.

Kristen Duvall

Kristen is a writer of tales both real and make-believe. A Midwestern girl at heart, she currently resides in Southern California with her boyfriend, a Great Dane, and two rescued kitties, one of which is known simply as the KiKi Monster.

Miss Solomon

Miss Solomon is a dating expert and founder of TheDatingTruth website. She provides honest advice and simple instruction for men and women committed to building stronger relationships. In her spare time she enjoys popcorn, fireworks and singing at the top of her lungs.

Steve Daugherty

Hello, I'm Steve. I'm a law of attraction, metaphysical, personal development writer who truly enjoys writing articles and e-books that help people to understand who they really are, and how to empower themselves to live a more joyful, inspired life.


I am a creative girl who loves her family, cats and books, and I am also a fashion addict. I can find inspiration in every corner of this world. I believe that the best ideas are simple and the hardest projects are easy with optimism and devotion.

Avery Lucas

Avery is a born and raised Jersey girl who found her way to NYC. Lover of fitness classes, the beach and corgis. On a mission to travel the world one passport stamp at a time with her Nikon D3100 in hand.

Rachael Moore

Rachael is a writer, actress, and blogger. A hopeless romantic, you'll either find her reading romance fiction or writing it! She is also a keen Kizomba dancer and is an avid lover of makeup, herbal tea, and bath bombs.

Sarah Yu

I'm Sarah, a native New Yorker with a growing love for the West Coast. Writing is my vice and I love using it to speak encouragement, wisdom, hope and truth into people's lives. On my down time, I'm chatting with my boyfriend or reading a good novel.

Jenna Jonaitis

Jenna is a freelance writer who loves to stay active, visit with great company, and travel. She enthusiastically writes on a variety of topics, generally while downing several cups of tea.

Rachael OFlaherty

I am a beauty blogger and Youtuber. My goal is to encourage confidence within fairer skintone as I believe all skintones are beautiful and should be embraced. Outside of this I work as a Graphic Designer having graduated in 2012 and I also work part time on beauty and fragrance counters.

Lisa H.

Lisa is versatile, being a Psychology-trained addictions worker by day, writer by night. She enjoys traveling, dance, & can squat her body weight. Her dream is to integrate her education & love of writing into a sustaining career.

Alexandra Meehan

Alexandra Meehan is a poet and writer residing in Gainesville, Florida. When she's not writing, she is biking or spending time with her partner Cathrine and their beloved Australian Shepherd, Pekoe.

Amy Dignam

Amy is a lover of pizza, Netflix, and Simpson quotes; although she also enjoys the finer things in life such as good music, good books and good friends. She believes that a problem shared is a problem halved, and that the best thing you can do is to show kindness in a cruel world.

Michelle WY

An adventurous foodie lost in one of the gastronomic capitals of the world and loving every moment of it! I like to cook too, making my adventures in France very fun and enjoyable as I eat, taste then try or innovate recipes to share with you! My motto: Diet starts Tomorrow!

Victoria Heidr Reinertsdatter

Formerly famed astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan’s right hand at one of the largest astrology companies in the world, Victoria’s passion for all things esoteric has helped her connect with clients across the globe. Offering interpretations of ancient arts in a bawdy and irreverent style, she enjoys exploring new mindsets via ancient divination arts.

Jessica Oaks

Jessica is a freelance journalist who loves to cover technology news and the ways that technology makes life easier. She also blogs at Check her out on Twitter!

Isobel Howell

I’m a passionate freelance writer and editor, writing everything from articles to even a couple of eBooks! I never let being ‘young’ get in the way of being successful, age is irrelevant when you have a million ideas in your head and gallons of ambition!

Cassandra Guerrier

Cassandra Guerrier is a fashion editor, beauty and lifestyle writer. When she isn't obsessing over the latest lifestyle studies or living off of Pinterest and YouTube DIY tutorials, she's nerding out over her comic books and all things Sherlock Holmes.

Jessica T.

Jessica is a parenting and lifestyle blogger with a love for all things crafty, homemade and unique. She's worked around the world in the fields of special needs and TEFL and is currently a freelance writer based in her cosy little cottage in Hampshire, UK.


I love music, fashion, old movies, because they can inspire, show you the light and give you much needed hope. I do believe that laughter is the best medicine and one should always try to be the best version of themselves.


Sophisticated & fabulous. From Minnesota now living in Germany. I'll be whatever I want to be. Always full of cabernet savurigon and dark sarcasm. My husband is a red headed German man. With a beard of course.

Lowri Martinson

My name is Lowri and I am a Cardiff born fashion writer currently living in Paris. I am using as a platform to showcase my writing and to hopefully find an audience.


Journalist. Creative nutcase. Blogger (Fashion Corner Net). Philosopher. Passionate singer. Language learner. Yogi. Bicycle rider. Cardio lover. Travel enthusiast. Health freak. TV shows addict. Astrology believer.


Currently on my third consecutive gap year, I am happy living day by day and taking things as they come. I love food, worship the sun, wish I would exercise more often, and don’t think life is as complicated as we make it out to be!


She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings, from the ever changing social and cultural pressures the world demonstrates today. Being a young woman has never been so trying, but she was able to transform her dark into light, owning her private shadows and emotional depths of fear, rising above the illusion created.

Dianne M.

Dianne is a DIY frugal minimalist autodidact gypsy girl. She studied Journalism even though she doesn’t like the University. Also hates routines and is not a morning person. Her true passion is dance. Maybe she was a spinning top in another life. And her best advice is never sell yourself short, never. A goal or dream? To be a digital nomad.

Tina Murphy

Tina A. Murphy is a student and passionate blogger. Her main topics of interest are writing, blogging and personal growth. Tina writes for different entertainment and educational blogs such a writing service and others.


Writing is Nichola’s passion but she's also an avid reader and a massive film geek. Like most of us, Nichola spends way too much time surfing the web, mostly reading blogs on the weird and wonderful or rumours of who's got the lead role in next years hottest films.

Dr. Hadley

Dr. Hadley is YouQueen's resident gynecologist with over 25 years of experience as a specialist with her own practice. Feel free to ask her questions in the comments.


Nadine Saad loves writing about current affairs, style and beauty. She is passionate about fashion that makes women feel and look their best.

Holly Riordan

Holly Riordan is an aspiring fiction author who spends the majority of her time obsessing over television shows and playing with her doggie, Ferris, whose middle name happens to be Bueller. In addition to giving her pets fandom names, she enjoys skydiving and anything else that will give her a good story.

Carissa Moore

Carissa is an avid cofee drinker, a dog lover, a mother, a fierce friend and I'm sarcastic to a fault. Writing is her happy place.

Tamara V

Professor of Spanish language with passion for fashion, everything girly and sparkly. Addicted to social media. Forever in love with Greece, strong perfumes and online journalism.

Alexandra Sheehan

Alex is a self-proclaimed nomad, having lived in three different countries over the past two years. When she isn’t cooking or traveling, you can find Alex curled up with a book, at the gym, or cheering on her favorite football team.

Marie Trudeau

Marie currently resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has extensively studied relationships and sexuality and loves to write about those topics. Her passions are photography, traveling, music, art and helping people.


Lauren is a writer and painter. When she's not painting or writing, she enjoys cooking, exercising, playing music, singing, and getting lost on YouTube for hours on end.

Rachel A.

Welsh Journalism graduate and full-time writer Rachel has a love of words! A workaholic with champagne desire on a lemonade budget, Rachel is most at home with her laptop on her knee and a cup of tea close by.


24 year-old philosopher, dog lover and kinkster. Occasional blogger. Currently struggling with adulthood. I cry with chick flicks.

Louise Jackson

A journalist for 10 years, I quit my job 3 years ago in search of the meaning of life, or failing that, at the very least a REALLY long holiday. Now I live the good life, spending my time in different locations across the world and generally dodging responsibility. Don't be fooled, a life on the road isn't always picture postcard perfect, but it sure leaves you with some stories to tell.


Natalia grew up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and is currently living in Los Angeles. She is addicted to fashion, reading books and watching romantic comedies. She probably spends too much time online shopping.


Writer, talker, walker, joker. Contradictory, capricious, postmodern fragmented, direct, too direct sometimes, playful, holding no grudges and regrets. If you can't find her, she's somewhere chasing summer around the world.

Deanna H

I'm a hopeless romantic that knows a lot about a little, and a little about a lot. Writing has been a passion of mine for years, and I've enjoyed every second behind my computer. Not many people know that about me but that's about to change! Sunsets make my life easier. I was once told to “enjoy the moment” and that’s what I plan on doing with the rest of my life.

Isabella Le Bon

Isabella is a francophile and health nut who loves dark chocolate, Otis Redding and cured Spanish ham. She loves traveling and dinner conversations that last until the wee hours of the morning.

Gabriela Guedez Hamerlok

Gaby’s passion for writing is only matched by her love for food and wine. Journalist, confectioner and sommelier, she fell in love with Ireland years ago and moved from Venezuela to Dublin in 2014.

Louise Penman

Hi! I'm Louise and I’m a marketing and content freelancer with a lifelong obsession with beauty products. I have my own blog called Grab Bag where I share all of my beauty, DIY and lifestyle musings. You can usually find me curled up with a hot beverage, swatching lipstick with my corgi Olive by my side.

Natalie Asorey

Natalie is a multicultural communications professional and recent UF grad (Go Gators!). She's your go-to independent Latina woman with plenty of spunk, a good head on her shoulders and the advice you need to get through your day.


Olivia is a silly world traveler always seeking for an adventure. She loves animals, long walks on the beach and discovering hidden World's gems.

Kara Fatigati

Kara is a nail blogging, vegetarian, yogi loving individual who is Italian proud and loves to travel!

Natalie Virginia Lang

Natalie is a teacher and a freelance writer living in Vancouver, B.C. She can be found writing in cafes around Vancouver, performing at open mic nights, or travelling the world looking for adventure, inspiration, and the joy in living.


Diamond's first love is being a mom, and her second love is writing. She has been writing for the past 3 years and is working towards a B.S. in Communications and Media Studies. In her free time she enjoys reading.


I am a young and curious writer with a contagious laugh and a love for homemade cinnamon rolls! I am a firm believer in taking chances and living to your fullest potential. My hobbies include baking, listening to music and blogging.

Leanne Lindsey

Leanne Lindsey is a freelance blogger and life coach who loves inspiring and motivating women to live happy, healthy lives they love. She is committed to enjoying the “sweetness of life” while attempting to satisfy her sweet tooth on a mostly plant-based and sugar-free diet.

Raichel Jenkins

Raichel is an ambitious free spirit who loves poetry, hiking, and a decent amount of carbs. She is a Journalism student at Ohio University with a passion for women’s rights, sappy love stories, and intricacies of the human experience.

Natasha Cornall

Natasha Cornall is the editor of Drawdrobe. She's a keen baker and a writer specializing in fashion and beauty.

Sarah Coutts

Passionate about anything to do with language, Sarah enjoys writing as much as reading. She's a voracious reader and loves music, traveling and theater as much as language.

Chelsy Normandeau

Chelsy Normandeau is a marketing student from Vancouver, Canada, with a passion for the great outdoors, craft beer, and writing. She aspires to teach others her money saving ways, fitness tips and tricks, and has the dream of one day being a best selling author.

Emily Blackwood

A twenty-something, recent grad and entry-level employee, I enjoy cheap ways to feel fancy. My name is Emily Blackwood and I'm always hunting for ways to be better. I like to spend my time getting lost in Pinterest, Tina Fey anything and my Rottweiler Bear's eyes.

Mirian Moxie Orji

I'm a beauty queen, a model, and a passionate/creative writer. If you love movies, we'd be great friends. Life is simple and it should be lived that way. I am not normal and I strive to grow daily. Make sure you read every day if you want to grow!

Kristin Buchholz-MacKillop

Kristin is an American writer based in the Scottish Highlands. She is a saxophonist, an obsessive tennis player, a U.S. Air Force Veteran, and holds a Master's degree as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. She is the author of the online style blog

Andrea Badiola Mateos

Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P is an optimist that enjoys learning, travelling, meeting new people and above all communicating. She is passionate about personal development and coaching, and always explores ways to enrich life her life, as for people around her.

Amanda B.

I'm a certified Shop-a-holic who loves writing, makeup, clothes, shoes, and making others laugh. I'm very bubbly, witty, and best of all honest. In my spare I love wasting my days away on the beach reading Edgar Allan Poe and fashion magazines!

Renee Slansky

Renee Slansky is an Australian TV Presenter, writer, dating, and relationship coach and founder of Australia’s number 1 dating blog. As a dating guru, Renee can be seen and heard on the TV and radio regularly and hosts her own online TV channel. Her teachings are all about offering practical advice, support, and solutions to real life issues in love. Think of her as your modern day Fairy Godmother!

Danielle Tinning

A British freelancer with a love for all things entertainment, Danielle Tinning is a media buff with an exceptional thirst for film, fashion, celebs and pop culture. When she's not writing, she's listening to Stevie Nicks and pondering what adventures to embark on next.

Hannah Gabris

I live, work and date in NYC and seem to be the girl everyone asks for advice. In fact, my friends told me to start writing my adventures and advice on sex, love, lust and everything else. I hope you’ll join in on the girl talk.

JD Lara

JD is a former travel writer-producer for TV. Now a work-from-home mom, she lives in a homestead with animals, fruit trees and a vegetable garden. She’d still love to travel but since family and farming have become priorities, she’s content with just armchair traveling via the internet.


I’m a college student living in a sweet paradise land filled with palm trees and smoothies. I love to write about all things important: high-waisted shorts, A-line dresses, and dressing for your body type. I write about other things too. Hope you enjoy!

Sheila Joseph

Sheila loves pictures, polka dots, the smell of old books, retro glasses, red velvet cupcakes, shoes and all things vintage. When she's not day dreaming about Ryan Gosling, she's busy writing about fashion, celebrities, love, and life.

Angela Madera

Angela Madera is a writer and blogger living in Chicago, IL. At the age of 27 she voluntarily moved back in with her parents and is completely unapologetic about it. She enjoys writing commentary about current events, women, and her astronomical student loans.

Emma Sweeney

A small time girl playing adult in the city. She has a masters in Psychology and still dresses like its the 90's. Emma likes cheese and going on adventures. Emma dislikes boring people and kitten heels. Winging it since 1991!


Darcy is a journalist, now based in Europe. She enjoys and deeply respects the creative process and lives by a phrase coined by Sigmund Freud: "When inspiration does not come to me, I go half way to meet it."

Kelly D

I am a criminologist as well as a writer who loves to stir up emotions in people with my words. I will be graduating soon with my Masters degree in criminology and will pursue my PhD. Aside from school and work, I love to belly dance, cook, and watch some football. Go Browns!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a lifestyle writer specializing in dating advice. She helps busy people around the world create a sexier body and mind, and find true happiness in social interactions. Connect with Sarah at Wingman Magazine.

Amanda R.

Amanda is the content creator for Dope&Broke, which specializes in discovering affordable alternatives to designer runway fashions, street style, etc. It also features snippets of celeb gossip, pop-culture & industry news. She is an espresso addict, puppy lover, avid music listener & style guru. Contact:


Bryan is a personal trainer and fitness professional, who has been in the industry for 8 years. He is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Dowling College, and prestigious Hofstra University, where he studied human anatomy and personal fitness training.


Kyle is an international traveler and personal trainer. He specializes in power lifting, fat loss, HIIT training, bodybuilding, sports training, and nutrition. Kyle is always looking to learn more about anything and everything that interests him.

Amanda Yeatman

Hi, I'm Amanda. I am an avid health & wellness enthusiast with a passion to help others live the life they desire through writing and counseling. I am forever grateful to be a mother to three little beauties, and I hope to pass my dedication for living an authentic life onto them.

Latasha Doyle

A full-time writer living outside of Denver, CO, Latasha has been writing and telling stories her whole life. She lives with her husband and their six fur children, and when she’s not writing for her company, she’s definitely reading. If she’s not reading, you can probably find Latasha packing her suitcase for her next jet set around the world.


Zoe is a small town girl who has a passion for writing. She loves animals, reading books and making memories with her friends. Her goal is to take the most out of life.

Sylvia Wells

Sylvia stays busy loving her blended family of five, working as an Executive Assistant, and doing her best to keep her personal health and priorities in check. She writes with light humor to connect with her audience and to keep herself amused.

Kendi Banks

Kendi is a freelance lifestyle and entertainment writer. When she's not writing, she's probably singing, reading or binge-watching romantic comedies on Netflix.


With a fascination for beauty, I want to share my secrets with you! Even the most alluring women, have the power of embracing who they are—let me help you on the quest!

Sarinah Awal

Artist and jewelry maker. When I'm not doing my art, I would be reading or looking for new ideas. Love travelling and beautiful words. I'm a thinker, likes dark humor and curious by nature. My buddies told me nothing that I cannot do, now I want to be a writer so here I am!


Amy is a wife, mom, blogger, and is training to become a makeup artist. She dabbles in a bit of everything, but can’t seem to escape her compulsions for shopping and all things cosmetics.


Ankita is a writer, counselor, therapist and an aspiring happiness coach. She hails from India, a country with a colorful culture and rich heritage. She is a travel enthusiast and loves to cook. Her motto is to help people and reach out to them through her writing.

Sandy L.

Sandy is a lover of words and wild things. She is a constant student of the world, learning as much as she can both inside and out of the classroom. Her goal is to see as much of the world as possible and share her adventures with you.

Ivana Marica

Ivana is a freelance journalist. She has visited many places, but wants to discover new ones. She likes sports, animals and healthy food. Her passions are writing, photography and music.


I am a 21-year-old Political Science student with a passion for languages, the media and psychology. In my future career, I wish to help others communicate better and lead more fulfilling lives, and what better way to start than journalism.


Tyshia is a beauty and lifestyle blogger with a passion for pretty and a purpose to empower women to celebrate the skin they're in. A Christian, mother, and wife simply chasing dreams and writing from the heart in lipstick and pumps.


CaroLine fancies using song lyrics in conversation, competing in things that were not intended to be a competition, ice cream and uppercase L's. She thrives on routine and if she had one wish it would obviously be for unlimited wishes.

Elena D.

I am 27, eReader, coffee drinker, workaholic. I am independent young living and working in foreign country. Enjoying travel, fitness, love and books.


Anna is addicted to tennis and plays every evening with her tennis buddies. Other hobbies include DJing and picnics or visits to the beach in sunny California while enjoying her last days at university.


Sculpting words into sentences is her craft; sharing the human experience via writing is her passion. Aside from tapping away at a keyboard or scrawling pen across paper, she fills her time reading, learning, exploring new ideas, and breathing large gulps of fresh air in the great outdoors.

Tawnie Alysse

Dreamer, story-teller, mermaid, gypsy all in one. I love make-up and anything beauty related. I like researching & writing about stuff we are all dealing with; relationships, love, family, health, plus size issues, self confidence, animals & everything in between.

Kiarra Sylvester

Originally from Detroit, I moved to NYC afterthought graduating from Hampton University to pursue the "Carrie Bradshaw" life. I spend my free time being an old Pinster, choking down caffeine and takeout by the load, writing, and daily Netflix marathons.

Nyxe Turner

Schianne Tanks

Amy Sachs

Amy Sachs is a blogger and freelance writer from New Jersey. She can most likely be found drinking coffee with her nose in a book.

Eliza Johnson

I'm Eliza, curvy model, singer, writer, actress, advocate and dreamer. A midwest/LA hybrid who's lived the struggle and the dream. I've taken my career overseas & gotten lost in love one too many times. I love writing about self love, relationships and everything and anything related to finding our passion and fulfilling our dreams.

Lauren Young

Lauren is a senior at Ohio University studying journalism & sports management. She’s an avid Cleveland Cavaliers fan, a proud Akronite & has a thing for cooking shows.

Milica J.

Writer, translator and PR consultant, with a passion for the media, languages, culture and technology. Enjoys travelling, cooking, reading about pretty much anything - from SF to cooking recipes - and playing with her many pets, including a bunny by the name of Buffy.

Sophie C

A Spanglish speaking fashion lover living out her artistic dreams in sunny Barcelona, aside from studying Design and writing you’ll find Sophie wandering Barcelona’s narrow streets, second hand shopping and experimenting with some DIY in her apartment.


Bostonian living in The Netherlands. Writer, entrepreneur, world traveler. Lover of cake, cookies, cities, art, books and handsome men with big brains.

Kara DeDonato

I'm Kara, a Women’s Health Coach and founder of Libera Wellness. I'm dedicated to helping women live their best lives through balanced hormones and healed digestion. I believe periods should be painless, food should be enjoyed, and life should be good.

Sara Michelle

Sara is an Arizona native however, she has been raised in NC, since she was six. She considered herself a southerner. She reads, then writes and makes videos about what she read. Her interests include watching tv, movies, reading historical fiction and going to school for her English bachelor degree.

Taylor Maple

Taylor is a junior at Ohio University studying journalism & political science. You can almost always find her at a concert, a bookstore, or in bed binge-watching Grey's Anatomy. She is passionate about empowering women and helping them succeed in life, love, & careers.

Ali Lawrence

More ambitious than Julius Caesar and less predictable than a game of poker, Ali Lawrence is a globetrotter that writes for a living. When not on the road, she enjoys cooking healthy meals, playing tennis and painting.

Debra O.

Debra is a Media & Communications student who loves to express herself and inspire others through her writing and photography. She's also passionate about food, and likes trying out new recipes and eating out occasionally. Some of her favourite pastimes include travelling, listening to music, and sharing a good laugh with family and friends.

Mayra Ramirez

She has taken courses in Marketing, Psychology and is a registered Yoga Instructor. Her passions include studying different cultures, languages, reading and writing. She loves the beach, truly enjoys dancing and spending time with her family; above all, watching her daughter grow.

Sibin Grasic

Ana J. Urena

Ana is a writer, singer & painter from NYC. She has an equal love of music, horror movies, travel, fitness, skin care & video games. Ana's life motto is,
"Learn to love the rain, not because the sun shines after, but because it simply is."

Ella James

Ella James is pursuing Health Services Administration degree from St. Petersburg College. She enjoys reading and writing articles related to Health, Fitness, Beauty and Skin Care. Get connected with her on Facebook and Twitter.


My name is Layla and I’m a dreamer body and soul. Teaching languages is my job, learning languages is my hobby. Traveling is my passion. Reading is my peace. Laughing is my leisure. My people are my love. Sharing experiences is my motto.

Sophie Jackson

Sophie lives in the city with her amazing boyfriend and worryingly large collection of soft toys. She writes about gender politics, pop culture, health and travel. Sophie also enjoys sequins, rock music and talking about herself in third person.


Theresa writes about fashion and lifestyle for half a decade, both online and in print. Her interests include coffee refills, a non partisan approach to wine and watching Oprah in all forms (listed in no particular order).


A twenty-something Virgo who lives in a world of lush forests and coffee drip clouds, Jordan loves tending to her succulent garden and emerging herself in dreamy fairy tales. She spends most of her productive days writing endlessly and studying for school.


Jacqueline is a modern day gypsy, moving from France to England and now residing in Mexico. A sucker for instant gratification and anything that pleases the senses her world revolves around food (any and all food), foreign indie films, and salsa music.

Otaymah Bonds

Otaymah Bonds is author of The Glamour Gladiator and CEO of Eternal Women Inc, an Image Consulting Company. She can be located trying to find the best veggie cheese or at the spa.

Veronica Hunt

Veronica Hunt is passionate about education and technology, she loves creating life hacks and learning new stuff.

Ana P.

I love languages and music. I studied languages, literature and culture in college, and I picked up music degrees in clarinet playing and opera singing. I've performed music throughout Europe and I love introducing others to the joy of singing.

Cassie Brewer

Cassie Brewer is a makeup artist and freelance writer living in sunny Southern California. She writes about, beauty, fashion, diet and wellness in order to help others not only be beautiful on the outside, but radiant on the inside.


Reader, writer, blogger, part-timer, volunteer, all things to all men. I can usually be found wearing yellow clothes and drinking green tea. Some of my favourite things include waterfalls, polar bears, rum, and charity shops.

Jillian Babcock

Jill is a healthy food lover and Certified Holistic Health Counselor. She loves “healthifying” recipes and practicing yoga as she works toward become an instructor. You can find her around NYC seeking out all the latest things related to health and fitness.

Spencer Grace

Spencer Grace is a longtime celebrity and style writer for Fish Wrapper, Celeb Zen, ABC Family and top design houses around the world. Spence has a BA in literature and creative writing from Columbia University and resides in New York, New York with her husband Brian.

Arie Bee

I‘m a typical Aries woman: charismatic, energetic and stylish. I like to sit back and gaze at my New Orleans city-view with a glass of white wine or pop a thriller starring Jason Statham. If I’m not spending my spare time blogging, you can catch me at the next big music festival screaming my lungs out to my favorite songs.

Courtney M.

I'm an optimistic realist that always sees the brighter side but also know when things are too good to be true. I hope one day my voice helps someone find their way. I like to think I’m a wine-o but then a Moscow mule seems to always appear in front of me. Hot wings are a thing of importance in my EVERYDAY life, and Harry Potter is my geeky obsession.

Gwen Sampe

Singer, composer, dancer , Reiki master and magician, I live in an enchanted world of sound and movement. From my ledge of space I make music and choreograph a life filled with friends, loves, family, good food and drink.

Karishma Sehgal

Being an ardent fashion, beauty and lifestyle enthusiast, I have
contributed to a number of popular lifestyle magazines and blogs. My
writings are mostly targeted towards young women on a budget who
enjoy the art of looking good.

Lubna Ali Khan

I am passionate about home improvement, beauty, arts, writing, healthy living and entrepreneurship.

Theresa E.

Theresa lives in Austin, TX and writes about life, love, parenting, and everything in between. You can always find her busy with a new decorating project--usually with a glass of wine in hand.

Alice Murphy

I’m Alice, an Irish law student enjoying a long term affair with writing and travel. I love sex, I hate injustice and I like to ask questions about the important things in life.

Brandon Douglas

I'm a 27-year old US citizen who has been living in Vancouver, BC the last two years, rising quickly in the corporate world. After a near-death experience last fall and lots of soul searching, I have quit that career to pursue my dreams of being an actor and dating coach.

Diana Beyer

Diana Beyer is experienced and self-driven specialist who is passionate about writing. She is always seeking to discover new ways for personal and professional growth.

Meg Jones

I am a person who lives according to my own source of divinity and power to the best of my ability, despite mistakes and challenges along the way. I embrace life, and I write to share with others in a bid to aid us in finding and living within our highest good.

Paige Bennett

Paige Bennett is a communications and content strategy consultant. After beginning her career as a news producer, she moved to Oman. Paige now lives San Francisco and is currently producing a documentary that explores the lives of women who are pioneers for women's rights in the Middle East.


... is an painter who enjoys books, traveling and the great outdoors. Always a romantic, stargazer and an optimist, she sees life painted in bright colors. She believes that all people are good by nature, and will show it to you if you give them half a chance.

Leona H.

Leona Hinton is a young writer and educator from the Windy City. She loves swimming, hitchhiking and horse riding. Her biggest dream is space travel to the Moon.

Rebecca McBride

Rebecca is a 24 year old journalism graduate from bonnie Scotland. In her spare time she enjoys reading, playing guitar and planning her future travel adventures. She likes to push past her comfort zone and take on any challenges life throws at her while remaining true to who she is.

Starling Thomas

She is a freelance writer, photographer and director. She's a lover of all things vintage, especially anything from the 60s. She loves to photograph babies and when she is not ferociously typing away on her computer or conducting celeb interviews you can find her cuddled up next to her hubby binge watching Netflix.

Aisha Moktadier

Aisha Moktadier is a writer and proud graduate of the University of Miami. She is currently a staff writer for Vix and the creator of Soul Terrarium, a women's lifestyle blog. She is also a coffee fiend, avid book reader, and adventure-seeker.

Ashley Madden

Hi! My name is Ashley. I’m a pharmacist, plant based chef and holistic nutritionist. Creating health supportive, plant based and gluten free cuisine is my calling, my jam, my vegan bread and butter. You can find me blogging, sipping a green smoothie and pondering the big questions in life.

Daisy Grace

Daisy Grace, who is a US native and a professional health & beauty expert. She is passionate about health, fitness and beauty and skin care and has been working as a freelance content writer for many online websites. Recently, she is being researching on beauty and skin care problems.


I love spending my free time outdoors, playing sports and having fun in the park with friends. Reading, art, and music are what my life revolves around. I enjoy writing lyrics and singing, hoping that one day I'll have my own hit.


I'm in love with my big, comfy bed and pillow and my gorgeous cat Tom. Once I have to wake up, I enjoy my coffee with a lot of milk and sugar as I embark on my daily journey of investigative journalism.

Allison M. Sidhu

With a master’s degree in gastronomy, this girl’s got food on the brain! Allison’s a Philly native and recent transplant to LA. When she’s not exploring the local food scene, she loves snacking on homemade goodies in front of the TV with her husband.

Meg Riley

Meg Riley is a long-time reader and an all-the-time writer. She spends her time writing feminist diatribes and screenplays, enjoys taking far too many Instagram pictures of landscapes, and tweeting less-than-motivational quips.


Occasional writer, full time dreamer who stands to believe in the entitlement of empowerment, love and peace. I genuinely gaze into glorious sunsets of everyday whilst solving life's mysteries one at a time.

Shannon D.

Shannon, a Communications and Public Relations graduate is a keen traveler who loves the outdoors and being amongst nature. A lover of beauty, fashion, and animals as well as everything bohemian. She ventured out from her small home country, New Zealand to explore the world, find herself and experience different cultures.

Vineetha Reddy

A regular practitioner and adviser of everything related to nutrition, fitness, health and wellness. I strongly believe that the ingredients you find in your pantry provide the best benefits for good health. Follow me on Twitter for my best ideas and solutions.

Emily Harper

Emily Harper is a busy housewife who finds the time to blog. She loves to travel, explore new places and experience new cultures.


I am a little always-smiling girl living in a big, pink, fluffy world. I love spending my free time with my friends, listening to music and dancing like crazy. I like to travel, cook and my latest passion is making different kinds of hairstyles by myself.

Rebekah Randall

Australian girl with an adventurer spirit. Loves travel to far off places, all things new and strange. Bohemian lifestyle and all the beauty it offers. Open minded spiritual being sharing love and forever learning through constant change and all the amazing beings surrounding me.

Ashley Prendergast

Ashley is an esthetician and makeup artist at a Southern New Jersey spa. On her days off when she is not writing beauty and life articles she can be found volunteering at her local animal shelter, at the shore or Netflixing at home with her cats. Ashley also runs her side business making hipster mugs.

Dani R

Dani is a Fashion Merchandising student at Art Institute in Miami, Fl, USA. She's been blogging about fashion since 2008. Her popular blog, Miscelanium Fashion is related to fashion and beauty trends, pop culture, and lifestyle.

Halona Black

Halona Black, M.Ed., is a Culinary Nutritionist and owner of Garlic & Lemons, LLC, a nutrition education and training company. Halona teaches cooking classes to youth and adults. She's a supporter of whole food nutrition and finds that people who eat egg whites annoy her.

Luna Djordjevic

The author is a not-yet-but-almost 30-year-old from Belgrade. She’s a translator, writer, poetry and movie enthusiast, passionate traveler and absolute cat person. ’’Do you know what I'd really love to do? Skip a few afternoons and go dancing.’’ (Victor/Victoria, 1982)

Sarah Laing

I crave writing about things that haven’t been written about. I aim to inspire people with my writing and open their eyes to new ways of being and experiencing life. I love animals, reality TV and my family, friends and husband. I gather inspiration every moment of every day!

Jason Garcia

I am a manager of a family enterprise and a consultant for DMCI Leasing. I have a niche blog for property leasing and real estate investment. I write articles, giving advice to readers on how to secure homes and businesses.


When not writing, Kriti loves trendspotting in the super chic Sydney city, visiting pop-up handmade markets and capturing odd sights with the hope of creating an eclectic collection one day!

Megan Wild

Megan Wild is a creative spirit who enjoys petting dogs and also writing about all things home-related. When she's not writing, you can find her hiking through mountains and trails with her trusty and faithful four-legged friend.


Hi! My name is Petra, I am an interior designer and a happily married
mother of two. I love my job, every aspect of it. When I'm not occupied
with my work and kids, I do pilates.

Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson is a passionate blogger who loves to write on prevailing fashion trends. He is a complete fashion enthusiast and a die hard fan of Roberto Cavalli. Send a friend request to him on Facebook"

Lindsay Peak

Third Culture Kid. International Teacher. Wellness & Yoga Instructor. Constantly gathering reflections on life, exploring the globe’s hidden corners, and searching for the world’s best cup of coffee along the way.

Marko Zivanovic


Alex is your savvy and fun guide for globe trotting and all aspects of self-improvement, from professional and financial to physical. When not writing or traveling, Alex enjoys practicing martial arts and yoga.

Audrey Padgitt

Audrey want to be a writer someday. She decided to toss her hat into the ring and polish her skills a bit. She is an anomaly, being a left handed, green eyed creature with flaming red hair. Because of this, the world noticed her, even when she didn’t want to be noticed. This taught her a lot, and hopes some of her lessons can help others.

Kayla Blanton

Kayla is a firm believer in finding positivity in every situation, and wearing as much makeup as the heart desires. She studies journalism at Ohio University and is always up for a challenge, as long as coffee is involved.

Niccole Somodio

Niccole is a blogger based in Madrid, but is frequently in America and Asia as well. She's owned a private catering company, been a private language tutor, and a personal assistant.

Sarah Rodger

I’m Sarah, a busy wife and mum of two. I live in Lincolnshire, England, and love being by the sea. Currently studying for a diploma in Freelance Journalism, I’m a reader, blogger and aspiring author. I love to watch football and MotoGP. I’m also a self-taught piano player and pickled onion enthusiast!

Amanda D.

I am a free spirited young woman interested in changing the world and helping rapidly spread a Conscious Revolution. I believe that with the power of introspection, we can find the power we hold within and save the world. I engage in empowering conversation on a daily basis with those connected to me, near and far.

Brooke Nichole Fleming

I am the Greek yogurt & Honey I eat every morning, I am the youth on my skin and the wisdom in my mind. I am my velvet heels much too high to walk in and the red wine stains on my lips. I write to taste life twice... I am me.


Creative dreamer from Belgrade, but Italian at heart, with a degree in fashion design. She is a passionate lover of clothes, especially shoes and bags. Addicted to yoga and clean eating. The founder/author of the fashion (inspiration) blog fashiondreamsbyd.

Mel Perry

I enjoy dancing, painting, handmade jewelry and twirling around the city.


Zara M.

I love to write, draw, take photographs, dance tango, write in my Midori Traveler’s Notebook and ogle other people’s Filofaxes. Oh – and I like LOTS of sugar in my tea! I want to inspire you, and show you the world through my eyes.


Julia is a law student who has lived in England since age 9, she is currently on her master studies in Madrid. She enjoys traveling with her friends, meeting new people from different cultures and spending time with her family.


I am the urban girl lost in the concrete jungle. I love The Rolling Stones, pizza Quattro Formaggi and Italy. I can’t live without sunshine and writing. My friends are my inspiration. My motto is “Life is too short to be perfect.”

Rob Morris

Robert Morris is a freelance editor from NYC, he loves his girlfriend, yoga, backpacking in Asia, his pug, and reading. Sometimes he even gives advice on some of this stuff.

Alexa Tanney

I'm a wild and rambunctious girl with a heart of gold and dreams bigger than my vocabulary. I love anything and everything that has to do with profanity, black coffee and food. Satire is my forte, sarcasm is my religion and political debates get my juices flowing.

Jeanette Anzon

Jeanette Anzon is a graduate of Architecture . She enjoys photography, sketching, arts, film and continuous education. She works as a broker and as a home stylist, accommodating clients mostly in North America. Her exposure to the market has initiated a deeper learning to real estate, marketing communication and home design.


Melissa is a journalist who used to specialize in arts and culture, but recently discovered a new passion for writing about life and love. She has worked all over the world as a writer, living in Sydney, Paris and Ibiza.


A self-proclaimed budget travel enthusiast, Shereen spends her days looking for fantastic travel bargains, watching great (and sometimes really bad) movies with her husband, planning theme parties and preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

Angelica Andujar De Jesus

Angélica is a Puerto Rican writer who loves to read poetry, cook Italian cuisine, take photos and travel. She studied journalism at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. Her dream is to create a bilingual digital media.

Colleen Wuertz

I am a 21 year old English student and radio intern who spends most of my time writing stories and conquering the world one concert at a time. My personal motto, "Do whatever makes you happy and don't apologize for it".

Erica Elizarraraz

Simple yet chic this style seeker can typically be found wearing one or her signature accessories either a hat or sneakers. She’s been working in fashion for 11 years when not working you can catch her at the movies with her hubby or with family which includes Sassy her cat.

Julie Ellis

Julie Ellis marketer and passionate blogger, finds her inspiration in the educational help to gifted students. Master's degree in Journalism allows her to follow her passion and help students around the world.

Samantha DeFlitch

She is a communications director who often wishes she could return to her job as a sherpa on the Appalachian Trail. She is an experienced public speaker and an advocate for social reform. She believes in the power of the spoken word, the healing abilities of knitted hats, and joy of female collaboration.

Surbhi Kanur

I am a girl in my twenties, trying to discover myself in an exciting manner and wish to get surprised by every move of my life. Writing for me, I believe, relieves stress, helps me concentrate better, and let me re-invent myself.


Helen is enjoying life in the Philippines, jogging early every morning on the beach with her beautiful black labrador, Lawrence, and then spending the rest of her day in a lovely local coffee shop working from her MacBook as a remote PA.

Kelsey Jean

Kelsey is an actress, improvisor, and writer based in Los Angeles, California. When she’s not performing or writing, you can find her balls deep in a classic novel or sneaking wine into a movie theater with her mom, dad, and brother.

Mariah P

My love for beauty products began at age 4 when I snuck into my mother’s make up drawer. The array of eye shadows and liners and lipsticks were magical. And I coveted her pristine jar of cold cream as if it were pot of gold It was love at first sight.


Nicole lives in a small town in Southern California with her life partner and two crazy dogs. She is a blogger, cook, photographer and all round lover of life!

Candess D. Webster

I am a 29 year old Californian who has spent most of the past decade in
New York City. A girl's girl with a gritty background, I use personal
essays as a means of sharing the lessons of my life choices, good, bad and
everything in-between.

Ebere Wilson

Ebere is from Nigeria, a cybernaut and a lifestyle correspondent, she loves music, surfing the web and enjoys making new friends.


I love strawberries so much that I put it as my profile pic ;) And the only thing I love more than strawberries is Makeup. I'm passionate about all things related to skin care, beauty and looking your absolute best.

Siobhan Carr

I live in a small town in Ireland and enjoy reading novels and magazines in my spare time. I am deeply interested in English and beauty therapy so writing about cosmetics is a huge passion of mine. I love animals, shopping, the theater and it is my dream to travel the world.

Samantha Jane

I'm a Beauty YouTuber from East Coast Canada now living in Toronto, Ontario! I am obsessed with all things beauty and I love to talk, so it only made sense to start a channel. My channel is my creative outlet. I love connecting with other beauty lovers and helping out those who are new to the makeup game!

Bani Amor

Bani Amor is a travel writer from Brooklyn by way of Ecuador. She is a travel columnist for, a contributing writer for Nowhere Magazine's blog, and editor of Everywhere All The Time's Postcards series.

Nikoleta Rakocevic

I am an English teacher, translator, writer and dancer. My motto is, "Set your life on fire and seek those who fan your flames." I believe in generosity and I share information, emotions and everything I own with the people around me.


I‘m into adventure through imagination and I’m an author and love to write steamy stories that explore the sexy side of life. I love my family and friends and talking to new people is always marvellous - I find that most people are fascinating although my belief in angels has left me in trouble many times . But I wouldn’t change a thing – life is good!

Laura Ashbury

Laura is a full time student writing her way through college. She is passionate about many things but mainly staying healthy and fit, traveling and writing.


Writing is a thing which can take you to a whole new level of expressing yourself, so why not put it to good use?! That's exactly what I am doing and I seriously hope you like my efforts! :)

Eva B.

Eva is a NYC based Marketing specialist who spends a third of her time traveling for work and fun. She launched Travelle, an online platform for female business and leisure travelers featuring beauty, wellness and style tips. When not traveling, Eva can be found in NYC writing, photographing, spending time with friends and scheming her next getaway.

Kacey Bradley

Kacey is a lifestyle blogger for "The Drifter Collective." Throughout her life, she has found excitement in the world around her. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations, cultures, and styles, while communicating these endeavors through her passion for writing and expression.

Lisiana Carter

Lisiana is a renowned independent researcher and is studying the impact of technology in the beauty industry. She is passionate about beauty, makeup, fashion and skincare industry. She holds a Ph.D. in beauty and thereby has been consistently sharing her experience by writing various articles related to makeup, beauty, fashion and skin care.


After 15 years as a practicing lawyer and educational consultant, Dawn ditched it all to create a happier life for herself. Now she lives on a tiny island in the Bahamas, writes, eats loads of fresh fish and enjoys the daily antics of her beloved dog.

Khardine Gray

Khardine is a content writer and contemporary author. She has a passion for writing anything about beauty, fashion and films. She is also a fitness fanatic and loves eating great food, with a particular interest in pizzas. When she's not writing you can find her ice skating , in a Samba class or shopping till she drops.

Sophie Addison

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and writer on beauty related tips and articles. She is very passionate about health and beauty. She has posted articles on skin care, tips for using eyelashes, weight loss and celebrity beauty news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music.